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Seantuals · 8mo

Booing in elementary schooler noises: Uncle Sean, boo! You can put a watchlist consists of Hey Tayo, Billy Poco, and Keep Swimming Through on loop if I was the aforementioned student. The only interesting part about becoming an adult is when I could go wherever I wish without any adult supervision tbh.

Let those nasty episodes getting buried along with the little ghosties there. You and your fatal-trouble-ngitis is really something else, collect your medal here. 🥇 Ah I see, you love bad-boy Jjongsaeng concept, it seems?

That’s so nice of you, neighbor! I’ll bring you a basket of fruits in return. I—m suddenly tempted to be a cat as well, let’s sign ourselves up to be one in the next life, Meow? [am communicating]

My all time favorite would be Harry Potter and Narnia series! I also enjoy watching Marvel movies.


SEAN I. HAD. A HARD TIME. To process the whole announcement like ?????????? ARE they FR. Deadass zoning out for almost half day straight. Are you seeing your 8yearz soon?!!!!!!!!!!

That’s not nice! I’m not an uncle, ish. >_> Yeah, that’s also the best thing about living alone as an adult.

Haha were there that many ghost sightings happened in the show? My poor scaredy cat Jjong. That’s hard to answer. I guess I just love Jjongsaeng so much.

You’re welcome :> I’m looking forward to receiving that basket of fruits! Meow. As you should. It’s easier being a cat you know? Meow.

Same here! I zoned off for the whole day, to be honest and the nervous feeling is still very much here. I will only be relaxed once I secured a ticket. I AM (hopefully). How about you? Are you going to see Hoon as well?

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