Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Seantuals · 8mo

The little “ish” doesn’t work on me. (It does, actually) But to be brutally honest with you, I sometimes hate living alone as an adult. It is all fun and games until the loneliness hits. 🥲

Yep! I can mention some of the creepy stories happened inside the egg-y building. Mm, that’s exactly what will happen when you love someone with your whole heart.

What kind of fruits you love the most, Sean? Mention the names and I’ll start putting them inside the basket asap. 🧺 NOT at you meowing generously when I asked you to. Meow.

ME TOO! [hopefully] the long wait is over therefore we should fight for their tickets at least. Sean, Sean, so I just installed telegram.. and.. do you want to be my oomf there? 🤨

Did it work or did it not? 🤔 Pick one answer only! As someone who's been away from his family since college, yes, I can totally relate to that. I am ok about spending my time alone. The loneliness only hits when I'm sick. It's all fun and games until I can't get out of bed only to eat.

Try mentioning one. I remember the story about Jay being too scared to shower alone hahaha. Right? The love I have for him is overflowing. It's endless. I hope it stays that way for a long time.

I like.. mango! Mango, grape, strawberry, durian, avocado, and banana. Please? :D Hmph. Meow.

AMEN TO THAT! I hope we all can get the ticket we are aiming for and finally see them this August. Praying circle for both of us and our friends. 🥺🤲🏻 Oh, I don't use the app that often but sure! The id is tidalhue. 😎

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