Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonymous dreamer · 7mo

hi its vivian im not logged into retrospring on my phone. would rinka ever try to get ten little gifts and hope it sways him into paying more attention to her instead of gravitating towards other girls who look like her

i can see rinka going into souvenir shops to get him keychains or trinkets he can bring with him places, in hopes that maybe ten'll at least think of her a little more when he's with other women (if he even chooses to bring it; most of the time, i imagine he keeps them hidden in the dorm room).

she's oblivious that he's purposefully dating women that look like her, thinking she just needs to become "more his type"—when that's not needed at all. another thing she'll try to do is bring him homemade food, or even just take-out... something to bring to him, an excuse to see him and have his eyes on her for a moment longer.

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