Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Tonya · 4 answers · 10mo

whats everyones opinions on shedtwt? Just curious lawl

depends on who u meet on it they're extremely toxic people who hate recovery and then they're just people who're pretty normal but they have ed's and or sh + some of them are rlly sweet and support recovery and all that there's a lot of people on shedtwt so it's kinda like a who u meet situation ig !!

i'm not on twitter. if this started in the last two, maybe even three, years i would not know anything about it

i really hope there's a Shedinja Twitter though, that pokemon is cool

i don't mind it , personally ... but i don't like tweets about weight like someone being " too fat " and stuff like that ? it's just really odd ... but i don't care about the rest really

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