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onionhead · 8mo

how to you think hiyori copes on the days when she doesn't feel pretty? i think jun would notice but he'd be unsure of how to help her out

hnn. i think after all those years of playing perfect she would've already mastered how to conceal that nagging sense of upset. having to remind himself that tomorrow will be better and he has to get through this no matter what. maybe have a stare off session with the person in the mirror or something while her hand shake and make her eyeliner uneven but the show must go on. i wonder if jun would ever notice? hiyori did vent to him about some pretty concerning stuff during conquest and it was kinda never touched upon which is quite upsettjng to me 🫠 also the fact that in absolute hiyori said she didnt care to have anyone rely on her again (and subsequently probably the reverse too)... painful to think about, really

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