Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon · 7mo

hi lilith 🥹 i'm originally snowy's lil shy anon who's too scared to make a nsfvv acc and i've finally built the courage to send you this cause i want you to know that you're an amazing person and i would love for the day to come where i come out of my shadows to shower you and snowy and carina and shae and whoever and whatever nsfvv accs who always make my day when i'm feeling down 🥹

you are so loved by so many people and you deserve that!!! i'm sending you so much love from the shadows 🫶🏼🩷 till the day i find the courage, i hope you will know that i will be supporting you quietly but constantly from my lil bubble 🫶🏼🖤 luv u so much lilith!!! back to the shadows i go now 🫶🏼🩷

hihi anon!1!1! this is so cute omfg i hope one day you get the courage to come forward, i'll welcome you with open arms and ik shae will too..! you have a great choice in people btw, i love all of them!! i hope you're well and taking care of yourself! thank you for saying such kind things, i'm wishing you so so many good vibes!

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