Zagle Relkaz


suburbian heckscape
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anon · 28d

toki Kinsutela li toki pi pilin ike ala toki pi pilin ike e toki toki? moku nasa li ni e ni?

whenthesilly · 9 answers · 1mo

what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

"airspeed velocity" seems somewhat redundant (i do get the reference don't @ me), but ignoring that, 73 apples?

anon · 2mo

What is the worst way to prepare and eat eggs?

anon · 3mo

is asking one's self anonymous questions funny, or a waste of time?

definitely a waste of time, but seeing as i'm doing that right now, who am i to talk

Max · 4mo

what is the origin of your username

the first account i made on scratch [i/wa]s called zeerho, pronounced "zero", with the spelling being based on the way the name of the 17th letter of the greek alphabet is spelled, and i later decided to retcon that into being the initials for something. i got "zagle" because it sounded like it could go with the "zorn ziggity" nonsense phrase i had made up previously, and i got "relkaz" (which is suffixed to the end when "zagle" is already taken) from "zagle" backwards, "elgaz", with the "g" turned to a "k" because they're both velar plosives, and an "r" prefixed to the beggining because-- that's as much as i remember

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