Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Lurker · 4mo

hello! finally caught up with all of danse macabre, took me 5 months but i did it. anyways im not sure if youve been asked/answered this before, i kinda avoided all ur socials until i fully caught up, but,,! did the setting of danse macabre take any inspiration from gotham? ever since chapter one the way you wrote the city made me think of gotham, specifically the 2014 tv show. the first chunk having a villian of the week (well chapter) also added to the imagery. the hare has always felt very joker-y and chan jim gordon-y too, so that added to it as well. point is, not sure if you did that on purpose or just by happenstance, if so, it made picturing everything really fun.

also,,,! hope youve had water today and if not, drink a glass for me 🫡

It actually isn't based off gotham at all but now that you mention it, it does have similar vibes doesn't it?

I need to actually drink more water, thank you for the reminder! I shall drink one in your name :)

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