Anonymous Coward · 2y

Omg your tarnished siblings OCs make my brain vibrate at high speeds I lov them,,, I was wondering what Cian's thoughts are about Melina ? My first tarnished went thru the "holy person to unhinged frenzied flame enjoyer" pipeline too and the ending where she swears she will hunt you down and kill you gave me So Many Thoughts cause I imagined her to be close to Melina before,,,, tragic friends to lovers to sworn enemies flavour

YES i really love thinking about the frenzy ending with a tarnished that was close to Melina... Cian was also fairly close to Melina (both of the twins viewed her like family - she's been with them for their whole journey after all). And in order for Cian to go through with the frenzy ending he has to kill his sister, so there's an extra bit of revenge/tragedy aspect of it too. While it's not romantic in my tarnished's case, I do enjoy the idea of the lovers to enemies flavor 😌👌

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