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one of zack's babes · 5mo

What would Zack and Vincent do on a first date together?

heheheh I THINK zack would really want vincent to have a good time so he'd plan this whole big thing with dinner and an activity after but during dinner zack becomes too much for vincent, like kinda trying too hard almost. so vinnie would regret going on the date and interrupt zack like "hey yeah i don't think this is gonna work" and starts to walk out. zack is stunned but gets up to go follow him outside and ask what's wrong what happened and vinnie would explain. zack would get vulnerable and say he was just trying to impress him and he's not really that type of flashy asshole blah blah and then they'd just get pizza and walk around and talk and then they'd say goodbye and look at each other a little too long because they realized that the date after the date actually went well and they got to know each other. the beginnings of something beautiful ☀️🌹

i'm trying to think of specifics for everything but my brain is blank rn sorry!

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