Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Hi I'm seeing people say that it's stereotypical to make a moc feminine( I think no one should really make a drastic change on how charcters look) but that's just not true atleast for me as a darker skinned person I always see brown charcters get treated more masculine and agressive wether they're a woman or a man and wether they look feminine or not. I genuinely don't understand where that claim comes from??

I think people are just hypervigilant about “acceptable” portrayals of gender presentation. i.e., Classic Transphobia. I see this here in there in response to art of transmasc kabru. like people insinuating that he’s feminized when he’s drawn as trans, etc (which I honestly strongly disagree with based on the art I’ve seen. Is it because we sometimes draw him with pre top surgery?). I can’t generalize because every artist has their own interpretation but like… that’s just what he looks like in the manga LMFAO. people are just weird and transphobic about brown characters especially when people have trans headcanons about them. It’s sad and weird and racist. and yeah it’s basically a tenet of orientalism that Brown or Black people/characters are hypermasculinized.

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