Anonymous Coward · 1mo

review/thoughts on challengers… are have u already tweeted about it

yes I liked it a lot! most fun I’ve had at the movies in a while. it was interesting to me not because it was a “queer” film but because it was about the regime of heterosexuality actually! reading it as a necessarily queer story I think takes away a lot from what it’s trying to do. It reminded me of an article I read a few months ago which I think is pretty relevant to the movie (I’ll link it). but I do think they could’ve done something WAY more interesting in regards to tashi’s physical body and what it means. I thought the deliberate choice to make her an exemplification of femininity couldve been explored more, when that isnt the case irl with Black female tennis players unfortunately. also the fact that much of her angst is because of/caused by her body, but it really largely remains unchanged throughout the film. she’s hot, gets injured, and is still hot, which it fine because it’s fun that she’s hot, but there was definitely a conversation to be had about her body that i was hoping the film would have

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