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cowards that eat chicken or meat or dont · 4mo

Lightly patting his chest, she worked her way back down his body occasionally dragging her nails along his skin. Muscles jumped and twitched under her fingers. He could only hope to be able to last long enough to see to her pleasure. Taking hold of his erection, she held him steady as she sank down onto him. Surrounded by her snug warmth he closed his eyes and had to turn away. Unable to stay still any longer he began to slowly thrust with his hips. They stuttered together adjusting to the new sensations for a minute. Bracing a hand against his stomach and the other against the ground by his hip she worked to create a counter rhythm to his thrusts to meet him forcefully halfway. Gathering speed and focusing on the friction between them time lost meaning and the world focused down to the feel of their bodies moving together. Her skin glistened with a fine layer of sweat. Neither could hold back their cries of pleasure any longer. Suddenly his toes cramped, and with a final sustained thrust pleasure rushed through his body as his orgasm peaked. Distantly he heard wood cracking and felt a prickling in his palms. His abdominals continued to flex and relax as the aftershocks continued to move through him. Rolling his hips instead of thrusting as actively he tried to find his rhythm again. Her thighs tightened on his hips as spasms traveled through her body. With a cry, she folded forward onto his torso and slowly continued to grind on him as the spasms slowed. They lay there for several minutes catching their breath and beginning to cool. She recovered first and slid off him to lay on her back beside him. Bringing his hands to his face he noticed the incredible number of splinters that had imbedded from the table legs. He couldn’t feel the pain yet, but if he didn’t get them out soon he would.

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