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Friendly Anon · 11d

Can we join the fest if we already have a chapter posted on ao3?

Hi anon! Yes, you can join the fest even if you have already started posting on AO3. We ask that after signing up for the fest, you don't post additional chapters until Reveals. For more details, see our website:

Friendly Anon · 2mo

Im a little comfused. So, if I am doing a multichapter fic for the fest, I must complete all the chapters and submit them? I thought I could complete my next chapter for the fest and then continue posting the remaining as I go. Maybe I misunderstood.

Hi anon! Yes, you should post at least one new chapter for the fest. But, in order to ensure all WIPs are complete, when you fill out the Submission Form, there will be a place for you to upload a full draft of your entire fic. Because the point of the fest is to help you complete your WIP, we only accept completed fics. If you're still writing the remaining chapters, you might want to join the main fest instead (starting in June).

Friendly Anon · 2mo

I am finishing my WIP for the lightning round I wanted to make sure I double check on the process for submitting. My WIP has been published up to Chapter 8 on Ao3. I have finished the story by adding Chapters 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13. I think i read we are to share all with you even though we aren't going to post all right now (like I will post 9, and then the next four over the next month). Do you want me to share a document that includes all of the previously posted chapters too (1-8). Totally okay if so!

Hi anon! Yes, that's right. If you want to continue posting chapter-by-chapter, you should submit your full rough draft of the entire, completed fic when you fill out the Submission Form. You'll see a place to either upload a PDF or link to a Google Doc. We can't wait! <3

Friendly Anon · 3mo

if my work is a part of another fest, can I still sign up here?

Hi anon! Yes, in many cases you can include WIPs you posted for completed fests. To be eligible: 1) The fest must be over (aka it has finished Reveals). and 2) Crossposting doesn't go against the other fest's rules. <3

Friendly Anon · 3mo

Hi if I intend to do a submission after a couple of months, I should not sign up in this round, right?

Friendly Anon · 3mo

Hii! Does it have to be an exclusivelyBTS work? Can it be cross fandom?

Hi anon! Yes, crossovers are allowed as long as at least one of the main characters is a member of BTS.

Friendly Anon · 3mo

Hello! Thank you so much for hosting this - I have a WIP on Ao3 that I very much want and need to finish. Is it possible to do the serial release with the Lightning Round? Where the whole fic is complete but we can release it on a schedule? Or is that only an option with the Main fest? Thank you again!

Hi anon! Yes, you may post your fic serially in the Lightning Round. The process will be the same as the main fest. So, you send us a rough draft of the completed fic when you fill out your submission form, and then you post at least one new chapter in the Lightning Round reveals. You can then continue to post the remainder of the chapters on your own schedule. <3

Friendly Anon · 3mo

hii, so for the lighting round, we can submit already completed wips?

Thanks so much for your question! You should have at least one new chapter to post in the Lightning Round reveals. <3

Friendly Anon · 1y

hi! so um, my WIP is the final chapter from my existing chaptered fic. so, 1) does that mean i should add the whole fic into the collection and if so, just the main BTS WIP Fest or under the RUN or YTC labels? and 2) since i probably can't do the hidden setting, since it's a chapter (but if it's possible, do advise!), do I wait to post on Reveal day instead of pre-posting?

sorry for the confusion, i didn't realise entering a chapter of an existing fic was gonna be this complex (ಥ﹏ಥ)

Hi anon! If your WIP is already being published on AO3, post to both the main collection and the Run subcollection (bts_wip_fest_run). Your work will remain visible after submitting to these collections. Don't post it until Serials Submission week: Sat, Jan 28 - Sat, Feb 4. Then, fill out the Submission Form!

Friendly Anon · 1y

Hiii, do you have to be 100% done with your WIP by February 4th (reveal day?) if you join with a WIP? And when is the due date for joining the fest?

Hi anon! Thanks for your question. Creators should be done with their submission by Feb. 4th. If you don't think you will be, you can ask for an extension. Writers who plan to continue posting serially (chapter-by-chapter) after Reveals can email the mods a rough draft of the completed fic by Feb. 4th. The deadline for signing up is Jan. 1. <3

Friendly Anon · 1y

Is there a hard date in Feb that we need to complete our fic by? Thanks!

Friendly Anon · 2y

apologies if I missed this somewhere - is this fest using BTS beta reader services?

Hi anon! Yes, we have partnered with @BTSBetaServices and encourage people to sign up for a beta with them! They are on break but will be back on 9/19 😍 -🐋

Friendly Anon · 2y

hello! for the "Are you signing up with more than one WIP?" question, is it alright if i answer 'no' for now, and fill the form again only after I've finished the WIP i signed up with?

Hi anon! Yes, it is absolutely okay to sign up with one WIP for now, and fill out the form for a second WIP when you're ready. We'll add a note to the sign-up form for others who may have that question <3

Friendly Anon · 2y

Hi! Will you be sending a confirmation email after we signed up?

Hi anon! Yes, we will be sending out confirmation emails very soon. Once it goes out, we will post to our Twitter in case anyone doesn't receive it. You're welcome to DM us if you have questions about your own signup. Thanks for joining!

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