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Angelic Messenger · 4h

where is şahim on toyhouse /lh give me one random fact about him like. does he smoke. does he prefer winter or summer. can i hug him . does he like hugs even

Angelic Messenger · 9mo

does zach have a favorite rock/metal band ?

Angelic Messenger · 9mo

How do ur angels wear jackets? Do they have wingholes too?


angels' wings are not really physically "there". they can be summoned or hidden, and whenever they are present, they clip through the clothes.

i'm not sure if you ever watched steven universe, but their wings are sort of like the gems' physical holograms that they manifest. wings can be touched by a person, but they mostly clip through everything, as they are some sort of soul extensions, so-to-speak.

Angelic Messenger · 1y

Hi! I was wondering when it comes to characters how you differentiate between types of angels such as Cherubs, Thrones, and Seraphs?

it's always a matter of halos! each choir has a specific style/format that distinguishes them from other classes.

additionally, thrones have markings on their bodies that are shaped like eyes, and seraphim (besides the halo) have more than one pair of wings. :]

Angelic Messenger · 1y

hi! I've been wondering abt Vivian! Is she a different kind of angel? Demon? alien? Hybrid? Something else entirely?

Angelic Messenger · 1y

which OC is most likely to sing in the shower? and which OC would complain about them?

omg that's such a cute question i love it!!!

definitely jeanette. she will sing and hum all of her favourite songs during the shower, especially when she finds a new hyper fixation lol

i could also imagine zefir or even fihryn, but the latter very rarely and it would mostly be a hum! zefir's singing probably annoyed the shit out of his sister back in the day though lmao

Angelic Messenger · 1y

Whats everyones favorite drink? Alcoholic or non alcoholic. 😊💖

cecil - he's a huge fan of whiskey, jack daniel's to be exact

eurelious - i feel like he's not too big on drinking alcohol, but whenever he does he will drink a dark beer or some red wine. depends on the occasion

zachariah - because of an accident that took place years ago he's made a promise never to drink again. but before then he would drink beers with rodiel and zefir a lot

jeanette - cocktails and fruit-flavoured beers are a way to go honestly

elisabeth - she's forever loyal to white wine, but after jeanette introduces her to blueberry-flavoured beer, it will become her second favourite!

Angelic Messenger · 2y

How does Eurelious’s angelic blood affect his investigations?

Angelic Messenger · 1y

Who's your oldest OC?

Angelic Messenger · 1y

c-can i hold zachariah's hand?

yes. you can hold it as long as you wanna. unless he runs away when you check your phone. then i can't help you with that buddy

Angelic Messenger · 1y

out of all your oc's !! which one is more on social media? if so what username would they go by?

cecil definitely spends the most time online out of the whole bunch. his name would more likely be something like... sleepy or sno0zy? never really thought of that tbh.

second in line comes zefir who probably has a tiktok as well but unlike cecil he will post small vlogs on it.

Angelic Messenger · 1y

are Zachariah and Eris no longer linked?

yeahhh eris has been in oc limbo for like a year now. i tried to work on him and keep him relevant but eventually, it just died out ;;;

i hope to link them one day but it won't be the same

Angelic Messenger · 2y

would Eurelious enjoy the idea of an amateur paranormal investigator youtuber or would he dislike them & find them insulting?

Angelic Messenger · 2y

does Eurelious have any specific spirits he is most comfortable dealing with in his line of work?

in this line of work i'd imagine there's not much comfort he can find no matter what type of entity/spirit/anomaly the team is dealing with, however

i want to imagine that the spirits who manifested not too long ago are the most comforting for him to deal with. they are easier to sense and feel, and their voices are much clearer than those of older dates! they aren't less frightening and disturbing though, but they do make things easier - which ultimately brings him more comfort and equilibrium!

Angelic Messenger · 2y

What are your characters' personal styles outside of their work attire and do they have a favourite outfit or look?

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