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Anonymous Coward · 1y

I think I have an unhealthy obsession w usop.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

what is tuyas favorite animal? did she have an unusual childhood pet?

(This question is 5 months old sorry) She seems like she'd be a snake person. She didn't have any pets lol.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

what kinda pokemon is tuyas fav?

I misread this as whats her favourite pokemon type but thats ok that helped me answer the actual question anyway. Its Steelix. She'd be a steel type trainer it feels Right.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

what is tuyas favourite hobby?

Anonymous Coward · 2y

what was tuyas first job? retail? food service?

She may or may not have tried to work a normal job when she and Eustace were first freshly orphaned but they both found it very difficult to fit in at first and it wouldn't have been long before she dropped it and went into the Society instead. Tuya didn't give herself much time to grieve since she had Eustace to look after and it very quickly turned to a burning resentment at whoever it was that was responsible for robbing them.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

what kind of fighter is tuya? what kinds of weapons does she use? is she long range? close up? defensive? offensive? what would her ultimate move be like

After Eustace's death she's very much an aggressive offensive fighter, going in to end the fight as soon as possible. I have details about this in the thread about her but the short of it is that she mainhands Arianensa but previously was a sword user and still has it as backup. She's close range but will use just about anything she can get her hands on especially if she's backed into a corner. Don't know about ultimate move but this is arianensa we're talking abt I'm sure you can imagine what she can do with that.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

does tuya prefer fashionable clothing or something more practical?

Practical is the priority but it should at least look not tacky. Also if you're wearing something that comprises of too many small bits to cover one single area she'll make fun of you. Yes I'm saying she'd roast female relic buster.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

does tuya prefer ramen or burgers

Anonymous Coward · 2y

what is tuyas favorite milkshake flavor

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Choosing from your list of favourite characters, which one would you:
a) work on a group project with
b) be stuck in 3hr traffic jam with
c) have them train you at your new retail job
d) fight at the parking lot at midnight with

A) Vaseraga - seems like he has a nice balance between being able to take the lead and just giving suggestions
B) Eustace - I like sitting in the car in silence
C) Heles. Ilsa could also work here I guess since its not life threatening so she doesn't have to go full angry sergeant mode on my ass.
D) I think I could win a fight with Skull, everyone else would probably beat my ass

Anonymous Coward · 2y

If you were forced to change ONE thing about eustace’s design what would that be?

Put him in some normal pants thats the same colour all the way up and down so i don't feel inclined to zoom in on his crotch and I can finally stop wondering whether he's wearing two pants or not.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

NICEE well now I'm curious if ur comfortable sharing. what's ur postgrad :0

Anonymous Coward · 2y

What if vtuber Eustace

Anonymous Coward · 2y

So, what do you think the next part in the Society & Foe will be? Considering we killed the big bad automagod, it seems like the only thing Central Axis can do is sit in their hands and wait. Unless they send Dex (is he still alive? Can't remember) to the Sky Realm to cause some shit. Or pull some other bs out of their asses.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

ooooo something something animal sciences maybe?

Yes! Zoology to be exact. God I'm glad a random stranger is getting the right vibes though it would have been hilarious if you had gone completely into the wrong field.

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