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Anonymous Pervert · 2mo

id love to participate in a top goro exchange event!!!

demon · 2mo

hi!! i was wondering if you planned to do top goro week again this year! i'd love to participate again (im asking so early because i would like to plan ahead for everything)

I would love to, but honestly, the last event left me feeling pretty bad because very few people participated (this doesn't mean I don't value them, ofc, but y'know)...
I thought that, if I'm going to make another TopGoroWeek, it would be more like an exchange event. What do you think? :)

Anonymous Pervert · 2mo

I have a question! How do you feel about Ryoji/Akira? :3 recently got into them all of a sudden lol

Awww! I don't know much about Ryoji but I like how nice and flirty he is! Personally, I don't see them as a ship, but I think they would be amazing friends💕

Anonymous Pervert · 2mo

Hey just wondering - is there a reason u rarely draw Akiren with glasses? 🤔

Anonymous Pervert · 3mo

i also wanted to say i'm insane and crazy about that vampire akechi x vamp hunter akiren art u did LIKE ITS SO FUCKING GOOD..... akechi u need to fuck him into next week srsly

( ꈍᴗꈍ)
👉👈 thankie! Yes, he has to make him his slave in retaliation for having chased him for so long to kill him, vampire hunter gets what he deserves

Anonymous Pervert · 3mo

HIIIII😁😁 just wanted to say i fawking love ur akeshu [gives u 100 kisses] 💞💞💞

Anonymous Pervert · 3mo

Do u hv a favourite Akechi moment?

The time we have him as a Navigator... I need to have him for the whole game, he's the best Navi of all❤️

Anonymous Pervert · 4mo

OMG I DIDN'T SEE THIS BECAUSE I THOUGHT NO ONE ASKS ME ANYTHING ANYMORE 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭thank you for all the kind words!!! I appreciate it a lot when people notice all the little details❤️

Anonymous Pervert · 8mo

def always love your presence on my tl whether its new art OR rts of old art OR just rts or random thoughts ^^ it's appreciated! i hope your brain wont make you stress about it too much in the future ;w; im sure everyone in the fandom wants the vibe to be Having Fun, not pushing yourself to always post something!

Thank you so much for your kind words ♡♡♡ that remind me I should RT more old art...

My brain tends to sabotage me when I least need it, like it did this second half of the month :_)

Anonymous Pervert · 8mo

oh hey um what if anon post option for topgoro week? like dm the event acc your art/fic link and it gets posted on there instead of your own acc? for people on locked and such... also i hope you're doing better now!! sending good vibes your way

It's a very good idea! The account DMs are always open, so don't hesitate to do it :)

And yeah I'm better, thanks 💕💕

Anonymous Pervert · 8mo

are you gonna put out the prompts soon? no rush ofc but i've got the urge to write topgoro and itd be nice to have direction for it!! :)

YES SKFNDN sorry OTL I had been... well, not good these past days and I couldn't get into it. I'll post them today Sat 7th!

Anonymous Pervert · 10mo

I wanna thank u bcuz ur AU content & the fics written for it by your amazingly talented friends have single-handedly given me a p intense thing for Nagas. I never even ONCE considered it before but now I am obsessed. Ur naga akechi has made me crazy LMAO Tysm for ur amazing work!!! Looking 4ward to top goro week!!!!

YES WE ARE LEGION 🐍❤️ damn, all the love you are giving me for Naga Goro makes me feel a little guilty I'm not posting more Naga content 😭💕 <- ((it's a good thing, keep doing that, thank you))

I'm not used to sharing things about my AUs because I never know how to start... That's why I love when people ask me questions about them! Please don't hesitate to ask or suggest! 🙏💕

I look forward for TopGoroWeek too, I can't wait to see people's amazing creations ( ´∀`)ノ💕

Anonymous Pervert · 10mo

Hi! I just wanted to say I really like your art!! Also I always love see my favorite characters as nagas so I'm really in love with your naga goro uwu!

Anonymous Pervert · 11mo

Omg this??? It's so beautiful!?!?!?!?! This really happens!!??!? I don't know what to say, it makes me very happy to read this... Thank you (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I'll do my best!!

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