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shy guy from mario · 9mo

Have you ever listened to drum and bass?

shy guy from mario · 9mo

Have you ever pet a raccoon?

I wish… I’m scared to just mess w one tbh… if I got along w a raccoon long enough for it to let me pet it I must be up to something wild & I kinda love that for hypothetical me

shy guy from mario · 9mo

Have you ever pet a cat?

not much is better than when a cat comes up to You for pets. that’s trust. that’s love. our cat is kind of a fucking brat about it tho he will literally scream rudely when he wants a lil passerby pet he is such a LIL SHIT

shy guy from mario · 9mo

Do you like to sing out loud when no one else is around?

Yes! 😁 I think it was around 2013 that I realized how much I enjoyed giving my all singing along to songs I knew by heart. I was listening to fob, the strokes & mcr a lot back then, a lot of them songs I knew back in middle/high school. I don’t have any training so my technique isn’t anything to write home about, but I’ve been told I have a pleasant voice in the rare occasion I do brave singing in front of others. took me several years of hearing that here & there to fully internalize it tho hehe

shy guy from mario · 12mo

what's your thoughts about stray kids?

shy guy from mario · 12mo

Do you think jisung contacted NASA to find his family 👽👽

LOLDHISHIDHJDH when nasa showed up in his recommended follows he gasped n went “…do they know?” & now he’s scheduled to launch in 2030

shy guy from mario · 1y

If renjun WAS running the world and we all lived in a tree do you think it would be hollow like a beehive or we'd all be in little birdhouse type rooms on the branches. Also do you think renjun is familiar w the tinkerbell cinematic universe I think he'd enjoy

1) omg wait when he first said this I was trying to figure out how the trees would hold us all up but maybe living in the hollowed out inside (like winnie the pooh??) would be better…. ur mind! ykw, I trust a renjun-led world to defer to its tree scientists on what’s safest for the trees… maybe some could be hollowed but others would be complex structures on the branches… I guess it depends on the tree… 2) if he’s not I definitely think he would get a kick out of it… to be honest it’s been forever since I’ve watched any tinkerbell content so I’m curious to know too 🧚🏽

shy guy from mario · 1y

What is the worst thing about your favourite series?

the fans 😑 jk it’s the pressure to spend money I don’t have out of emotional attachment

shy guy from mario · 1y

Do your friends know too much about your hobbies?

shy guy from mario · 1y

What was the last song you listened to on repeat?

shy guy from mario · 1y

Can you dance?

yes… I have a lot of fun dancing & I can move on beat pretty well but I have no training in like… the stage & Performing. often idk what I look like when I’m dancing so I can’t gauge my own abilities, but ppl who have seen me do it casually have said I’m good 😋

shy guy from mario · 1y

What do you think about the Internet?

shy guy from mario · 1y

Have you ever pet a raccoon?

no?!? I’m respectful… & scared. like I think we should just mind our respective business… though I hear raccoons are really smart & I even saw some lady who like trains raccoons for adoption? but she says they’re always trying to figure out how to escape & that they’re not easy pets to keep 🤔 anyway I would love to pet a raccoon if they wanted me to but most of the ones I meet I find by the trash 🧍🏽

shy guy from mario · 1y

What is one thing you would like to become better at?

“getting my shit together” is pretty vague & not very helpful, but my current preoccupation is to clean my shit out & find some sort of routine I can work with. hopefully something modular that I can move around. lately I’ve been having a hard time getting anything done & there’ll always be new boy band content to distract me 😓 so I need to make shit work for me & filter out the noise in my brain, set concrete time aside for my tasks & hobbies, etc. sounds possible & it is but damn I’m struggling with it 🤪 if ur reading I’d appreciate ur thoughts & prayers 😭🕊️

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