
she/her, 27, eng/esp 🌸
I draw and I write sometimes

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ASTER · 16m

HOLA :D Hipotéticamente, cómo crees que reaccionarían Cora y los padres de Law si se conocieran allá en el cielo/inframundo/tierra de los muertos ??

HOLI 🌸 Qué buena pregunta y qué difícil también 👀 Creo que Cora tendría muchas ganas de conocerles y de saber más de Law a través de ellos. Quizás se sentiría avergonzado al principio por no haber podido "cuidar mejor" de su hijo, pero los padres de Law seguro que estarían muy agradecidos por lo que hizo por él. Aunque Cora no es una persona muy convencional, no solo salvó la vida de Law, sino que le dio un motivo para querer seguir viviéndola después de todo. No sé, pienso que su amor por Law les uniría ♥

Anonymous Coward · 23m

Hola dongsaeng ❤️☺️estaba pensando que tal llevas la lectura/visionado de One Piece porque empecé a ver los capítulos en Netflix y ni así soy capaz de concentrarme más rato 😭😭😭aunque el manga lo llevo al día. Un kiss 😘

Pues yo el manga todavía no lo llevo al día 🙈 Pero para finales de año me gustaría alcanzarlo. Y con el revisionado voy por Zou todavía, hice un pequeño parón cuando terminé Dressrosa porque después de toda la intensidad y de lo largo que es el arco necesitaba un respiro 😅 Aunque tengo ganas de retomarlo 💜 Kissito para ti también

Anonymous Coward · 13d

¿Tienes alguna otra idea sobre el AU del lulawlu en la España de los 2000? Me ha parecido super chistoso jsjsjsjs besitos y abrazos Irene, eres super genial, cheer up, sweetie!

AJHAJHAJHFD la verdad es que no pensé mucho más en ello, fue un poco una tontería que se me ocurrió en el momento 😂 Pero me hace mucha gracia imaginármelos viviendo en un barrio español típico y sobre todo escuchando música española de la época. Una mañana Law va escuchando la radio de camino a clase y el programa tiene una sección de estas en las que la gente llama para dedicar canciones. Y el locutor dice "la siguiente canción la dedica Luffy para una persona muy especial. Torao, esta es para ti". Y es una canción de Melendi 😭 ajahkjshfg

Muchos abrazos para ti también, gracias por la preguntita 💜🥺

Anonymous Coward · 13d

You’re my favorite person to talk tooooo!!! You’re so sweet and fun!! Love you Irene!!!! 🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️

AHH 😭💘🌸 Please, I cry, this is so lovely, I'm so glad to hear!! Thanks a lot, hugging you tight, anon!

Anonymous Coward · 13d

Cómo te organizas los ficus que escribes? Quiero decir, sé que tienes trillones de ideas en marcha a la vez pero le das prioridad dependiendo de la inspiración o de cómo de involucrada te veas en ese proyecto en ese instante? I have so many questions . You are my sunshine dongsaeng ❤️‍🔥

Oooh, buena pregunta. En general, doy prioridad a los proyectos que ya he empezado a publicar. Los que todavía no han salido a la luz intento posponerlos para cuando termine el resto, pero voy dejando notas, fragmentitos y cosas que se me van ocurriendo para no olvidarme luego.

Creo que esa es la única forma de organización consciente que tengo, el resto es todo según me surja en el momento. Muchas veces he intentado forzar el trabajar en un proyecto que por lo que sea en ese momento se me estaba atragantando, y ha sido peor. Así que ahora ya simplemente hago un poco lo que me apetece y espero que salga bien 😂

Gracias 🌸♥

Anonymous Coward · 13d

What do you think is the perfect date for Lulaw?

Urban exploration and then dinner at home. I feel like they'd love going to abandoned buildings, Luffy calls it an "adventure," and Law is always hoping for scary, paranormal things to happen. They're weirdos ♥

Alternatively, looking for cool-looking rocks and seashells at the beach is also an option. "Treasure hunting," if you will. A different kind of adventure, more on the wholesome end. But dinner afterwards is mandatory, of course!

Thanks for the cute question 🌸

Anonymous Coward · 20d

idk how to explain it better, but seeing you on my dash always feels like the human equivalent of seeing a rainbow after a storm!! (i mean that positively 🥺)

OH WOW 😳💘 That's the sweetest thing I've been told in some time, thank you so much! Many hugs to you, dear anon, you cheered up my night 🌸

Anonymous Coward · 24d

What's your favorite hc for lulawlu?

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

always after some time I see how someone shovel talk someone else.

So what if someone gave a very weird 'shovel talk' and because Law is Law it means something completely different than what they meant. Now they have to fix it very quickly because Law avoids everyone and especially Luffy and Luffy is very sad because for some reason Law doesn't want to talk to him and it just becomes a chase. The heart pirates are not at all happy about what they told him and don't let them go to Law.

Ohhh I'm not sure I 100% follow what you were trying to say here, but miscommunication + Law is always a juicy combination ♥ He's used to assuming the worst in any scenario, so it's not surprising that he takes a well-meaning comment the wrong way. And he's a lot more sensitive that he lets on.

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

If Law and Luffy were to ever move in together, would they move into each other's places or get their own?

Ohhh, good question! I think they'd get their own, a new home they can make theirs together from scratch. It should be a perfect balance between chaos and order that fits both their needs, and possibly with lots of space for pets.

Law can have his library-studio, and Luffy can have his gaming room, but the shared spaces have a bit of each other in them and you can tell upon entering. You'd think their decoration styles are incompatible, but it's surprising how harmonic it all feels, like further proof of the way they perfectly complement each other.

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Do you think lulawlu would wear matching outfits?

I think they would, but in a very subtle way! Like matching patterns or complimentary colors. Luffy would probably be happy to go all the way with it, but Law thinks it's embarrassing to parade around in perfectly matching outfits. It's basically announcing they're together, and Law is shy.

Maybe they start influencing each other's styles in small ways though. Like Law wearing red clothes because the color reminds him of Luffy, or Luffy getting heart-themed accesories.

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

My Luffy’s favorite hc is that he can knit and crochet bc adhd but he does it only when he has too many feeling and can't process them.
I think Dadan and Makino taught him to keep him occupied when Ace was busy or smth; obviously he wasn't interested at first but after Makino said oh you can't? He took it personally lmao

I love this! Now I can't shake off the idea of Luffy knitting sweaters and scarfs for his friends and people he loves ♥ They're probably very unconventional, with mismatched colors and patterns, purposefully unaligned sleeves, and just weird creative decisions overall. But they're very Luffy and everyone loves them for it. Warm, comforting and endearing in their own way.

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

may a gentle stray cat approach you for pets today ❤

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

special delivery 💐💐💐💐💐

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

hey irene just wanted to send you a lil positivity message !! you bring so much creativity and much needed joy to the fandom space and i appreciate you for that! thanks for always speaking up about fandom matters and being such a cool moot to have 😎💗

Thank you so much, anon, you're so sweet 🥹💜 This made my day, I'm sending you big hugs!!

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