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Anon · 1y

I am giving your art a soft smooch it is always so vibrant and fun to look at!

I appreciate it! Sorry about the late response, I read this back then and wanted to respond to requests + others in order but I never did, thank you again!

Anon · 1y

hi random message here but i'm just letting u know, ur work is so good and fun and it's always a delight seeing u around. i hope you have a nice day!

Thank you so much for the kind words! this reminds me of another message I got and forgot to respond to ^^;

Anon · 1y

You mentioned something about tentacles~?

Posted! I don't know if you're still around since this was requested months ago but I hope people enjoy regardless

Anon · 1y

I've been adding credit to your art on Paheal. That user is uploading stuff posted in /trash/'s PT threads, hence the lack of links to your Twitter

Anon · 1y

will you ever return to p03..

I don't want to promise anything, if I ever return to it, it'll be in the same way as me drawing sp4mt0n randomly. I still have unfinished, unposted works but I can't guarantee I'll remember to post them. This happens to me with all characters I draw tbh, I move subjects quickly and don't expect people who only like one character I've drawn to stay. If there's some sort of inscrypt10n revival somehow, new official content, I might return. Can't have comms open atm because college is making me busier than expected.

Anon · 1y

Pizzahead the Kinda guy to strip tease by blowing his clothes off, usually ending with scraps of clothes everywhere, which somehow, piece back together on command.

So real, he's probably some omnipotent being using his powers only to be silly and for some really wild fetishes. I'll also raise: when he strip teases it's not whatever the person expects underneath (bikini, different sex parts, an endless layer of clothes, maybe a jumpscare who knows).

Anon · 1y

I hc that pizzahead is dangerously hung. Like, "it might not fit" hung but also "i thought i hit your thigh but it was actually the tip of your penis oh god are you okay"

INTERESTING. I can definitely see that since he's so malleable anyways. This is funny and kinda similar to an idea I wanted to draw based on the "is that a banana in your pants or are you happy to see me" thing.

Anon · 1y

Pizzahead and peppino in a relationship are competitive. like they have cartoon fight cloud sex and wrestle in bed or covered in oil, and they bite each other for fun. the one thing pizzahead can't get back at peppino for is cooking, because hes absolutely terrible at helping pep out in the kitchen except for eating what he makes

Yes to all of this. I think them trying to have cartoon fight sex oiled up is so funny their arms are slipping all over each other, the dust clears and suddenly a hand is up someones ass, or a cock in mouth when they try to change positions. I'm not sure how sweaty hairy it4li4n man tastes to p1z but he's gotta get back at him for all the taste testing he does. Also yeah his ass can't cook. I think p3p would prefer p1z eating smth actual sustainable even though p1z is annoying, no way is microwaved bread soaked in hot dog water going to be allowed.

Anon · 1y

i like to think that pizzahead threatened to destroy peppino's restaurant because he doesnt know how to flirt like a normal person

Absolutely. Bro probably saw a movie where a guy in slow mo carries someone out a exploding/burning movie and thought it would have the same effect. Or is just insane and wants his attention.

Anon · 1y

I saw you asking for requests so uhhhh Pizzahead in that sexy swimsuit he has a picture of?

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