Arman · 8 answers · 4y

Do you sometimes use sexist phrases like "Don’t be a pussy" or "Grow some balls"? I sometimes see even women use them. Are these phrases sometimes considered 'not sexist'? Can you give me some examples when it's OK to use them?

Nah. I wouldn't say the word "pussy" at all for the longest time because I associated it exclusively with toxic behavior.

I think it's possible to say them and not be thinking about what they actually mean, though. Not that the misogyny and sexism is cryptic in these particular phrases, or at least not to an adult. But I think it's possible that the more 'family friendly' version that conditions people to accept these phrases when they're a little older is even more blatantly misogynistic. I'm talkin about the phrase, "don't be a girl!" Parents, the people we generally start life seeing as the paragon of righteousness, will say this to their children. So sure, they get older and thoughtlessly repeat a phrase like, "don't be a pussy!" They hear it as, "don't be weak!" but they fail to really consider why that's what it means. So I don't think everyone who uses them is actually cartoonishly sexist themselves. It's having thought about why they mean what they do, and then continuing to defend their use. Especially when you're approach to that defense relies heavily on, "no, this is completely unrelated to sexism because I've said it and I couldn't ever be  sexist or wrong !" Because a complete inability or unwillingness to distance your own identity from the bad ideas you've been taught, and in fact we've all been taught, is a red flag. 

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