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Anonymous Coward · 9mo

same anon, just came to my mind that also @.xsthxr3 holds nct eu gos <3

oh yeah i ordered cheetah lee from her like a year ago! thank u again heh🫶🫶

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

hiii, check out @.96sooyoungs’s profile here on twt, they usually hold many eu gos for nct dolls 🫶🏻

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

hello! your art was sooooo amazing and fresking cute hehe ive been looking but where can we read the fic for the model rj x some guy mk :))? thank you

thank you soso much for liking my mrkrn but i have to disappoint you that model rj and his normal bf only exist in that art and in my head 💔 since the fic fest also accepted art submissions and this was mine! there’s a chance i will make more art of them though so stay tuned 🫡

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

the typo from renjun in the drf art.. YOU GET HIM. so beautiful

I CAN’T BELIEVE SOMEONE FINALLY NOTICED THIS HDHSJSJS bc the art’s been up for like 3 days already, i tried to make his texts on brand™️ and thank you sm for liking my little guys 🥹 mwah

Anonymous Coward · 10mo
Gives u a little smooch *
Anonymous Coward · 10mo

you're in a long car ride and im stuck in driving class 🤧 (like, the theory part im not driving yet!!!). it's sooo boring i feel you

NOOO this sounds equally terrible (says someone without license) i’m cheering on u getting your license through 🫶🫶

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

heyyy!!! i know this might be difficult to answer but what do you think influenced your style the most? love your art btw!! hope you have a nice day 🫶🏻

hi anon! omg this is indeed kind of hard to answer but i will try to keep it as short as i can! i would say a lot of time spent on pinterest is one of the things that still influence me the most, i like scrolling through a lot of different arts and see what i like about each of them. another big one is other fanartists also the ones not from kpop fandoms! for example i used to be very into viria's artstyle (i still love it to this day). and i read A LOT of webtoons i would say they are one of my biggest inspirations:) i hope this answered your question at least a bit:> and thank you so much i hope you have a nice day as well<3

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

is there something abt ur art process in general u particularly struggle with

i feel like my poses tend to look very stiff? especially when there's two people involved like hugging/kissing and stuff. i think i've improved a little bit since last year but they are still not at the level i want them to be 😓 so yeah figuring out the poses is definitely a struggle to me

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

fav fanartist???

omg i feel like there's so many... all of my mutuals basically SHJDSJSHG they all have lovely artstyles<3

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

Have u drawn ponytail haechan yet. Like his little sprout. If not PKEASE😭🙏🏼

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

hi!! what program do you use? i wanna start drawing more

right now i use procreate!! i used to use clip studio paint when i didn’t have an ipad tho, i can totally recommend both programs 🫶

Anonymous Coward · 12mo

helloooo!! are you accepting commissions??

hello anon! as for right now i don't since tbh i didn't think that someone would be interested in commisioning me, but i think i will work on the pricing and everything regarding commissions and maybe i will be able to make an official post about it soon:>

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