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Anonymous Coward · 2y

you are literally so adorable, and it makes me so happy to see your posts on my tl! Also, your art is so good. For some reason, your colors always make me think of floral-flavored hard candy, and I desperately want to eat it! I hope you are well <3

omg thank you!! i just had some plum flavoured floral lollies the other week and it was very refreshing 💐🤍 i've been good and hope you are as well :)

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

How do you choose your palette? The way you make your digital art, especially the backgrounds, glow is amazing. They look so magical!

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

hi! what brushes do you use for your digital art? your artworks are gorgeous 🥹

thank you! i've got an extensive csp brush collection but these are the ones that are always in my rotation :)

-flat watercolour, chalk, charcoal (built in csp brushes)
- SU cream pencil
-thick brush coating set

- caspar pen
intoxicate pencil set
-old comic letterer

Anonymous Coward · 2y

thank u for ur detailed response abt the inks!!!!! <3 btw u mentioned vinta's sea and sky.... tbh i was initially going for vinta for shimmer inks but i heard they're dry ? like vinta inks in general not just the shimmer ones ig. anyway im glad that was working well for u!!! maybe i'll try vinta first too since they're more affordable compared to wearingeul 😭

ahh i definitely think they're on the drier side !! but they flow well enough for me that it's not too much of a bother :3 vinta's night sky is pretty wet though compared to their other colours !! but i'll still have to test them out though cause i've only had them for two days. i hope you'll enjoy the inks too !! they're so pretty ^q^

Anonymous Coward · 2y

what are the inks u r using !!! esp the shimmer ones !!! also what kind of pens(?)/nibs(?) do use for the shimmer ones.... i haven't bought any shimmer inks yet bc i'm afraid the glitters will get clogged +other potential problems 😓 i'm planning to buy shimmer inks from wearingeul soon tho bc i can't resist 😭 idk if i should stick to dip pens with that 😓

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Welcome back! Omg are you okay??

im am ! >_<;; please dont worry, i deactivate from time to time to take a break from social media. but it's good to be back <33

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Can i ask what inks/pen u used in ur mushroom drawings? They look so smooth! I esp like the coral-ish ink

totally! in order:
- ink institute cat at noon
- ink institute cat at dusk
- sailor sei boku
- diamine autumn oak

pen is twsbi eco smoke rose gold in a medium nib

Anonymous Coward · 2y

What's your favorite thing about pza??? I really love the art you make of them!

two big daddies and one tiny god.

jk hahaha, i love how achilles is someone that zag can rely on from the start ! and i guess it stemmed from there. zagreus is just so good to everyone. i love how respectful he is to pat and achilles 🥰🥰 they're just so cute !!

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Omfg you ship PZA??? Do you have any fave fics or art or headcanons???

Anonymous Coward · 2y

I read your comm page and based on the bit of text at the bottom, do u have an nsfw art account?? (genuinely curious and i would love to follow if you do!)

hahaha i dont ;)) but if i were to post anything spicy (which happens twice a year TTT), it'd still be on main

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Whaaa I love your art so much!! Would you ever post a painting process or time lapse? You’re so talented and I would love to see the process!

hii thank you so much ! i forget to record timelapses most of the time ;u; i also didnt think that people would be interested in it. but i will record future drawings if thats the case <33

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