Adorable Anon · 7mo

Re: Cooking can be hard: Eggs get everywhere, don't they?!

For me it's the raw onions that get me.
You don't want to handle a knife when your eye's are burning and you can't see anything!

A large part of cooking is to wash your hands when they get slimy. Or before handling different food stuffs. (Like going between raw meats and veggies.)

I believe in you, i'm sure you will find things that you can do! (。◕‿‿◕。)

Yeah, that was the feeling I had with eggs and I don't like touching too slimy stuff at all XDD

And, oooooh, I see ^^
I actually washed my hands a lot, I wash my hands pretty often normally and I don't like feeling my hands dirty somehow, even if I still have to learn how to manage stuff ^^
It was still fun preparing a meringue, even if unluckily it didn't turn out very well XDDD

Btw, awwwwwwwwww!! Really thank you soooo much for believing in me, anon! I appreciate it a lot!! ^^ 💕

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