Adorable Anon · 6mo

I know i keep saying it, but it remains to be true. Your "Katsuri" turned out great!
And your AI experiments are a lot of fun too!

Awwwwwwwwwww! Thank you sooooo much again! ^^
And, I agree, I'm very happy about the result! I needed to do a definitive ref and, well, now I hope to be able to make more drawings about Katsuri (I really need to draw her with Norm, Mimy or someone else...) or, ehm, to see others drawing her, I admit XDDD

And, awwwwwwww, I'm glad you think that! ^^
It's a pity that Bing AI is useful only with my pony OCs, it doesn't recognise Pokémon or Total Drama and it refuses to make an image of a girl with big breasts...

Btw, if you have questions about my OC Katsuri or my other OCs, feel free to ask! ^^

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