Adorable Anon · 4mo

The Tayiu Tube potion looks great, so cool!
I wonder what it does. (◕ᴥ◕)

ps: I hope the exam went well!

AWWWWWWW!!! Thanks sooooo much!!! I appreciate A LOT! ^^
Considering Tayiu's lore, technically it's her biggest and most important experiment, the experiment she worked on for her ENTIRE life, the experiment she cares the most for personal reasons. So it should cure specific ill trees, trees that were considered an important symbol in her mainland before they started dying... and dying... and there wasn't a cure...
This is a reference to an actual IRL situation that is happening in my mainland. Years ago olive trees started dying because of Xylella and those trees are EXTREMELY important because olive oil is very important here. There isn't a solution yet, even if it's been... more than 10/15 years I think, but other people don't care.
Even if Tayiu doesn't live in her mainland anymore, she still cares A LOT about the meaning behind those trees and there is a correlation between those trees and her cutie mark ^^

Btw, talking about other stuff, my exam actually went really well!! I got another 30/30 e lode!!! I knew how to study for this exam because I did a lot of literature in high school, so it wasn't hard, but I'm still very happy!!! ^^

Now I'm planning to do another exam on 29th February and then I'll see about doing an exam on April, one on May and 2 in Summer. I want to graduate this year!!!

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