anon · 5mo

I believe harassment shouldn't be applauded, especially when one goes elitist just because their fave critically acclaimed series can't be liked by everyone. And that includes 86 though I've yet to see or receive unpleasantry from such fandom but seeing how Oshi no Ko turned out as they spout hateful words to you-know-who after that Akane episode, I'm being cautious even if my feeling on 86 is neutral as I view supporting characters way more interesting & unpredictable (?) than the main protagonists in my POV.

The interesting thing about 86 fandom is it's very inclusive, with some of the most welcoming people around I'm proud to have been seeing on a constant basis. Side cast most people I know feel the same sentiment as you do, myself included.

Difference between that and OnK is the latter has a more widespread area of fandom reach which is it's own weakness.

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