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An 18+ clash of creators!


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Anonymous Paintblob · 3mo

I understand that CreativeClash is 18+, and that is fine with me.
I’m curious on what it is about. Like, is it ‘similar’ to ArtFight but can it have 18+ content? Or is it a bit different? Also is it ok to have the same username as similar places one is on?
I’m interested in joining. Thanks in advance.

We apologise for the delay in this answer! We've not been checking RS as often as we should.

We are similar to AF in that we are a competitive creative event where the goal is to create content of the characters of someone from the opposite team. The difference is that we only allow 18+ participants, we don't have any content restrictions, and we allow more than just art/illustrations for submissions.

You're welcome to use whatever username you like for our site regardless of what you call yourself elsewhere.

Anonymous Paintblob · 11mo

Hi there!

Not to be accusatory, but I saw some claims that your team allows people with unsavory preferences and poor moral standing, and/or or worse. This is a main concern for me as I have no telling if that can cause significant trouble for everyone involved, myself included. It would be appreciated if you can clarify and debunk such claims.

Thank you for reading!

I'm not sure what you mean by 'unsavory preferences and poor moral standing' without further context.

If you mean fictional material: We are anti-censorship, and as such, we allow all fictional content! We ask our users to tag things appropriately so that people are aware of what it involves and may choose whether to interact with it or not. We do not judge people for their tastes in fiction.

If you mean IRL activities or preferences: We do not allow anyone into our space that we are aware has, or wishes to, cause(d) harm to others, whether that be IRL or online.

Anonymous Paintblob · 11mo

How do you come up with the team names?????

We ask our community! We get suggestions for team names all the time and the ones which the Mod team think would work well are then kept on a list for each event.

We then ask everyone on the Mod team to pick their faves. The top 4 faves then go to a public vote, and the winner is what ends up being the teams for the Clash.

Chaos/Order was actually on the voting polls for the last two times we ran but never won. It finally gets its time to shine now!

Anonymous Paintblob · 11mo

how many events have you had so far? ive heard some people say 2 but others say more so im confused

We've held two main events and two mini events. The main Clash events are what we advertise here, and the mini events are only advertised on our Discord and site. So technically we've had four events!

We use the mini Clash to test out new rules or features before we implement them in a main Clash, which is why we only advertise them within the community.

The mini Clash typically runs in March while the main Clash runs Aug/Sept

Anonymous Paintblob · 11mo

How many users have signed up in all of your events?

We had around 120 in our first main event, and 190 in our second main event. We have also run two 'mini' events which had between 70-80 participants each.

Anonymous Paintblob · 11mo

i'm sorta... content-neutral for the most part. i don't think people should be harassed for the content they make/consume, but i also don't like most taboo content personally. very much don't like don't read. do you think this would be a conflict of ideals with creativeclash?

Not at all! This is very much in line with our ideals! We believe people should be able to explore and create any fictional content they want, but that doesn't mean everyone likes the same thing. "Don't like don't read" is very much a stance we take too, which is why we ask everyone to add tags and content warnings to their work so people can avoid the things they don't want.

Anonymous Paintblob · 11mo

Sorry for asking a weird question but do you think it's true that members need to hide their participation in creativeclash if they also participate in AF? Just curious because I hear some CC participants are being harassed

We're aware some users don't state they take part in CC out of concerns for harassment. We don't feel people need to do so, however everyone has their own comfort levels and concerns for safety, and we don't judge people who feel they need to hide their participation.

Anonymous Paintblob · 11mo

do you have to be in the discord to play? also, is there any point playing if you don't want NSFW attacks at all? like, will people still attack you or will you just get ignored?

You don't have to be in the Discord to join. You just need to be on the forum!
We have plenty of users who don't want or don't create NSFW content, so if you only want SFW content that's perfectly fine. The majority of our submissions are actually SFW!

Anonymous Paintblob · 11mo

Do you think you might ever add some kind of preview of the Forum for unregistered users, to get an idea of the site before registering? Like a subsection of the Forum specifically for unregistered visitors, or screenshots of the relevant Forum pages to have a look at it.

Our forums are entirely private due to the nature of the content we allow, and due to harassment some members of our community have faced. We can certainly at least consider giving screenshot previews of what the forums look like with no personal information shown.

Anonymous Paintblob · 11mo

I was wondering how selfshippers may play into all this? Since all characters involved need to be OCs (and self-inserts could 100% count as those,) but they'd likely be paired with canon characters. (Similarly, I was wondering if OC x Canon was allowed at all.)

We actually have a points system for canon characters! We understand a lot of people like OCxCanon pairings. You can still score points for canon characters as long as OCs are also involved.

You're welcome to make an OC based on yourself for the purposes of selfshipping as well. This would cover self-inserts, kinsonas, etc. As long as you list them as a 'character' then they're a viable target.

Anonymous Paintblob · 11mo

Hello, I'm interested in joining! What's the first step to do, signing up on the site or on discord?

You can do either one! The verification process is the same on the site and our Discord, so if you're approved on one you are likely to be approved by the other. We typically find that it's easier to approve people on site first as we can email you if we have questions, but do whichever is easiest for you!

Anonymous Paintblob · 11mo

How come some people get kicked from the discord?

If people don't pass our verification process then they may be kicked. In most instances we will try to DM users to ask further questions but if we're unable to DM them then we may kick them as we can't proceed further with the verification process.
On site we have the benefit of being able to email people instead.

Anonymous Paintblob · 11mo

Hi! I've been participating since the first year but I don't chat on the discord much. My question is: how are things going? Related to xCCx of course, and if people against the event have been giving you guys any trouble? In my perspective, I only see the event and mini-clashes, so I hope things are running smoothly!

Thing are going very well for us! We have a steadily growing base of users, but we're not expanding to the point we're struggling. We've got a wonderfully supportive community, and we've not had any issues from 'outside' trying to harass us.

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