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Deer-nonymous · 1d

What Song would Ibuki Sing on stage while rapidly swelling like a blueberry about about to explode?

It's a bit on the nose, but if she went into this with the knowledge that fruit-based detonation was the result, it'd probably be AC/DC's TNT (albeit heavily modified lyrics)
I mean, it's a song where "watch me explode" is one of the lines, it's just begging to be sung by someone who wants people to do just that
She's in here element themewise too

Deer-nonymous · 2d

Best way to beat the heat imo, ten gallons o' slushie.

Slushy soda deer....
Cold as ice, currently fighting brainfreeze, has an ice pack of a tummy.
Indeed, could def work.

Deer-nonymous · 2d

Favorite art received??

Oooh, that's a hard pick. My favorite Nendi pic is a hard tie between the beeblimp Nendi and the one I got from OtakuKirlia with the longcat. My fav faithe pic is that tube one from recent, of course (bit of a small pool all things considered in that field)
But I like 'em all generally! Near Impossible to hate anything featuring my deer : )

Deer-nonymous · 1mo

Does Nendi have any favourite summer time treats?

You bet! Some include:
-Ice cream (generally a constant but still topical)
-Slushies (fruit flavors primarily, but the soda ones are great too!)
-Milkshake stuff (also a constant, but hits different in the summer)
-Lemonade (with lots of sugar!)
-Candy put in the freezer (it works, sometimes!)
-Generally cold sweet stuff
Lots of possibilities to choose from!

Deer-nonymous · 1mo

Does Nendi prefer to be ORB or BLORB

(that sweaty blob Nendi you sent me last night has me feral, still)

Definitely Orb (although she won't turn down blob either!)
Feels nice, easy to access, easy to deflate out of in case someone's coming over... it's got benefits!
She definitely gets within blorb range in the winter months due to instincts, but orb is usually the go-to.

Deer-nonymous · 3mo

deer (pressurized)

What is Nendi but a vessel that can contain lots of air to the point of sphericalness
She's a blimpy goof of a deer and we love her for it

Cash-Bone · 3mo

Nendi blob, full of cake (Freya made a new friend)

I could see it, yeah, a fun idea:
Nendi gets invited overseas to Freya's homeland to satisfy a self-portrait comm of the royal doggo herself, and she does such a good job that Freya overcompensates a request for something to drink with a metric ton of locally brewed cola
They'd get along :)

Deer-nonymous · 6mo

What are your thoughts on (fully animate, not inanimate) balloon TF?

In the sense where it's just a balloon with slight limb protrusions and the face is painted on the body? Not exactly my thing, but that's fine by me. People can like what they like.

Deer-nonymous · 6mo

Do Nendi and Mello celebrate Christmas together? (Does this also result in the two of them being hot chocolate orbs?)

In terms of holidays, Nendi's family has two: the "Family Christmas" the night before, and the "personal christmas" the day of christmas. Mello gets involved in the latter (still mulling over what form to take in order to successfully infiltrate the former as a plus one), but usually only gifts treats on account of not knowing how to make money.
Only Nendi ends up as the hot choc orb, though. On account of Mello being made of something that melts when you put hot chocolate on/in it. Mello does, however, deck themselves out in spare holiday lights in solidarity with the holiday, though.

Deer-nonymous · 6mo

Do you think you'd ever want to make other characters based on other types of deer?

hmm... perhaps. While I've got a small handful of characters currently in my roadmap, a deer isn't one of them yet. I like to keep the cast of available characters diverse, y'know?

Deer-nonymous · 8mo

In your world, has the coexistance of animal people had any effect on humanities meat consumption?

Not really, actually! There's a very distinct division between animals and animal people, so as long as you're eating an animal and not an animal person (because that would be murder/manslaughter), you're pretty much fine. You never see an animal person in a position that involves killing off its non-people equivalent, though. For morality reasons, of course.

Deer-nonymous · 8mo

is there any chance nendi would willingly inflate for comfort reasons? like just filling up a room with puffy deer flesh just to decompress and be ball for a little while,,

Deer-nonymous · 8mo

In honor of spookymas does Nandi have any scary or halloweeny movies she likes to watch during the season?

Nothing too scary, but Curse of the Were-rabbit's a good once-a-year flick. The CGI does a really good job of replicating the claymation style of the shorts!

Deer-nonymous · 8mo

What sort of deer based activities does one do on deer anniversary?

hell if I know
Enjoy life, show passion for what you've made, etc.
Pretty standard fare

Deer-nonymous · 8mo

WILL she eat the deer crackers

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