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Bunny Cruise


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Anonymous · 5d

obviously, 0 knows everyone's name... but how did 51 learn hers?

Anonymous · 5d

10 is kinda a hypocrite for getting mad at 24 and 23 for accidentally slipping a name but then telling 67 her own name

10 is a hypocrite for a lot of other reasons. But also she didn't actually give away her name, though I'm not really sure which is worse.

Anonymous · 12d

What are the nationalities of all the girls?

Anonymous · 12d

How do you feel about people making their own bunny girls and just having their own story stuff for their OCs, but just using your concept? Would you’d rather they tell you or would it be okay for them to keep it to themselves if they don’t commercialize it in any way?

It's complicated. I don't mind when people make fan-characters or write fanfic, but when they insist on writing things that I've explicitly said is against the rules of the world, it gets kind of annoying. But in those cases I just don't look at it.

Anonymous · 12d

Is there any symbolic reason for only coloring certain things when you draw the girls? Or is it just an art style choice? Like, why pretty much color everything but the skin colors?

Not really, I just didn't want to get into the nitty gritty details of figuring out everyone's specific skintone, so it's just sliding scale of pale => dark

Anonymous · 17d

are there going to be more canon ships in the history like 67 and 10? I like 54 and 29 ship too

Unofficially, I like 54 and 29 as well, but unfortunately 54 is not my character so I can't say :P

Anonymous · 17d

From the question about prostitution, many, including myself are feel fine/supporting sex workers. But what if it's about one of your family members or friend that wanting to be a sex worker or sex creator on platforms like OnlyFans,Pornhub? That's a big difference when it involves your own family. What is your opinion about this? Would you support them ? should we support or deny them?

I would encourage them to get a yearly subscription to NordVPN, and teach them to write it off on their taxes as business expense. What were you expecting here? Because they're family or friends we should respect their choices... less?

Anonymous · 18d

What do you think about prostitution in real life.

Anonymous · 20d

Whatever happened to your deviant art?

DeviantArt started training AI with the art on their site, so I nuked my account.

Anonymous · 1mo

who are green hair and curly hair glasses in the floor manager comic?

Anonymous · 1mo

Do 00s have same 1 year long contract like courtesans or is it usually longer than just a year?

It's more of a lifetime appointment. The stuff they know, there's no walking away from that

Anonymous · 1mo

do you ever intend to go deeper into the 42 incident?

Anonymous · 2mo

i used to like calamari, then like 3 times in a row I got a whole squid looking at me among them and now I can't eat it anymore

Anonymous · 2mo

What does the cat eat? No way there are any nice on board a ship that nice

There are ALWAYS mice on large ships. Though 9s is definitely too fat to hunt anything but table scraps now.

Anonymous · 2mo

"I just skip the end or smth"
Why would I tell you the ending if you're just going to skip it?????

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