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Bunny Cruise


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Anonymous · 1d

have there been any politicians or government officials (fictional) as clients or is it strictly corporates only?

Anonymous · 1d

what’s the usual age range of clients? are they all 50-80 year old boomer CEOs and execs? are there any annoying 30-40 year old tech bros among them?

Anonymous · 3d

Now, we've seen 51, 10 and 42 DMing tabletop games, be it Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder or some other system... Who would stick to modules, and who homebrews?

Id say nobody there sticks to modules, since modules are hard to come by, and all they have is the wardrobe for event night and some dice :P

Anonymous · 4d

I came across bunny cruise recently and I've been so invested since then also the artwork is beautiful. I really wanna know at what point of the cruise did 10 and 67 realize they were in love with each other?

I can't say that there was a singular moment... In fact, I'd go as far as saying 10 is still unsure what she's feeling. But she is a bit of an idiot, after all :P

Anonymous · 2d

Did you give 9 a number name just as a funny or are they actually a courtesan and some people request to spend time with a lil cat. (This isn't a beastiality joke it's just a shitpost)

Anonymous · 5d

Im curious about the security team, and the defenses of the ship. Have there ever been times where they've been called into action? Given the cruise's secrecy, I imagine a force being able to plan and execute an attack on the ship is a difficult prospect at best, but has that ever actually happened? Perhaps a rich, important figure who felt slighted or threatened by the agency pulled some strings to have it attacked?

Not for a very long time. Since the advent of modern telecommuniation and globalized information transfer, it'd be difficult to make a move against an organization this well-connected and paranoid without someone hearing about it.

Anonymous · 6d

How much time is left on 67's contract?

Anonymous · 5d

Are 10 and 67 actually straight and are in love only because of the situation they're both in?

Anonymous · 6d

How's Irina? Is she okay? Does 00 check up on her with secret hacked cameras or something? Was she bailed out at some point? Is she even still alive? (I'm sorry for the bombarding of questions, but the story of Irina breaks my heart, and I want nothing but happiness to 00)

Anonymous · 9d

Can we see the captain of the ship?

Anonymous · 14d

obviously, 0 knows everyone's name... but how did 51 learn hers?

Anonymous · 14d

10 is kinda a hypocrite for getting mad at 24 and 23 for accidentally slipping a name but then telling 67 her own name

10 is a hypocrite for a lot of other reasons. But also she didn't actually give away her name, though I'm not really sure which is worse.

Anonymous · 21d

What are the nationalities of all the girls?

Anonymous · 21d

How do you feel about people making their own bunny girls and just having their own story stuff for their OCs, but just using your concept? Would you’d rather they tell you or would it be okay for them to keep it to themselves if they don’t commercialize it in any way?

It's complicated. I don't mind when people make fan-characters or write fanfic, but when they insist on writing things that I've explicitly said is against the rules of the world, it gets kind of annoying. But in those cases I just don't look at it.

Anonymous · 21d

Is there any symbolic reason for only coloring certain things when you draw the girls? Or is it just an art style choice? Like, why pretty much color everything but the skin colors?

Not really, I just didn't want to get into the nitty gritty details of figuring out everyone's specific skintone, so it's just sliding scale of pale => dark

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