Kate Matsuda · 10 answers · 3mo

What are some of your weirdest dreams if you want to share, please? Me: last night I dreamt I found a genie in a bottle. Bottle was stained blue glass and genie was a sassy blonde woman-like witch eating my Nutella. Damn!

Today I dreamed I was chosen to be some sort of close/trusty servant of... The Catholic Pope. Then me and another servant followed the Pope to the front of a Castle, and he unlocked the big gate, heading inside. Once we went past the gate, the Pope disappeared and I woke up.

I have never dreamed with the Pope before.

just the recurring one where I'm attacked and eaten alive by animals, mostly lions, but once in a while a snake, or an alligator...or is it a crocodile? I need a dream herpetologist to weigh in

I always have weird dreams when I have them. one for example I was in some big place with lots of people and I volunteered to get my hair done by a hairdresser? they didn’t use scissors they used flames/smoke and instead of the hair falling to the floor it turned into these little ghost like bats, bats made of smoke but tinier. idk it wasn’t scary. the bats were cute. that’s just one random one i actually wrote down usually I forget dreams

So quite a common weird dream I have is I'm basically in the Sims where everyone I've ever known are there together. But I'm not really in control of what happens - its strange because people who've never met but I know interact for sometime hilarious or dull results.

I had one Friday or Saturday morning, my house was invaded by Lions and tigers, but they were only trying to eat me and no one else.

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