Cowardly Shitheads · 1mo

Mason actually DID make a (vague) post about you


I do wanna point out a few things rq tho

"There were times when they were actively supporting stuff that was actually harmful/upsetting to me (not small things, actual problems) and refused to listen to me when I told them "hey, this thing you're doing is harmful/upsetting and maybe you should stop it". They got mad at me when I dared turn to other friends for comfort at these times when I felt like I wasn't being respected."

...Fun fact, but non-binary people existing isn't an "actual problem", I'm sorry to say that. We once had an argument all because of that post I made about Anonymous Asexual and he tattled to his friends about it. I might go into details about that if I ever do make that doc.

"They started talking about how they would be all alone and how they had no other friends (which wasn't true at all, they had loads of other people to interact and be friends with)"

No lol. There's a BIG difference between "sometimes talking with people on other servers" and "friends". I'm scared of people, people are scared of me, and I can't just reach out to others whenever I feel like it, especially due to poor mental health, trauma from previous relationships and feeling "disconnected" from others, I'm not in the right state to have a repeat. I don't really talk with others a lot, not even Tris. I just don't like feeling like I'm bothering others or risk bad things happening. Not to mention there's a lot people I was friends with but they either
-Disappear off the internet
-Turned out to be an asshole and never liked me
-I never talk to for whatever reason
And it just made me not like having them. (It sucks too since there are a tiny few people I have interest in knowing better, but I don't wanna risk another cycle happening)

Look, it's very complex and complicated to explain, but the "They have plenty of people to be friends with uwu" isn't true lol.

Although it is true though I wasn't a saint either, I never said I was the embodiment of perfect. The part about me getting mad over a stream was true, and I did apologize afterwards to me.

Also, for future reference, try to avoid sending me anymore asks about Mason (Unless it's probably like genuine questions for clarification, although it's not exactly recommended)

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