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sweet, sweet anon · 6d

Not a question just wanted to pop in and say that after reading your svsss fics and loving them so much I checked your profile to see if you’d written anything else, saw all the content for BSD, and decided to give it a try just so that I could understand to read more of your fics lmao. What have you done pookie? Now I’ve gotta read ALL of BSD and it’s your fault smh.

sweet, sweet anon · 7d
sweet, sweet anon · 8d

i’m in your walls, pookie 🤩✌🏼

sweet, sweet anon · 22d

I'm that one who told you how KOKO looks in my head
Did you see the new bsd omake with Aya and Bram? I CAN'T UNSEE KOKO😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


YEAH I SAW!!! but you're right, she would've loved Bram 😭❤️

sweet, sweet anon · 2mo

why don't you follow anyone back on x/twitter? /nm /genq

the short version of the story is I was tired of seeing fandom/interpersonal drama on my feed all the time, and I was getting spammed by someone/many someones abt the people I was following. so I just unfollowed everyone. this acct is just for my fics now, and I do my socializing elsewhere.

sweet, sweet anon · 2mo

this is so funny lmao

but yes, Koko has her daddy's hair! I'm sure if her and Aya met, they'd be friends! Aya could teach her all about being a paragon of justice or whatever lol

I love how Koko lives as rent-free in your minds as she does mine ❤️

sweet, sweet anon · 2mo

ouy should totally make poe a siren in atot- Gets shot 1028390 times

sweet, sweet anon · 2mo

Hey Kai! I loved your Sigskk series. The one with trans sigma? Do you ever plan on continuing it? I keep checking for updates, just wanted to know.

hi! I do plan on continuing it, but life keeps throwing curveballs at me and I haven't been able to write much, if at all. I hope to at least update it during sigskk week in July!

Stella | CEO of Fyozai Siblings · 2mo

OMG KAI! I hope you fall into the verzai rabbithole too. they're so fucking delicious wtf like you cant tell me they met in that stupidly small shipping container and dazai just...used words to make verlaine his puppet? nuh uh


ohohoooo it reeks of dead dove. maybe that's why verlaine is hiding in the basement lmao

I'm not big on the underage part but I bet 18zai or even 22zai has tried a thing or two with him

sweet, sweet anon · 2mo
sweet, sweet anon · 2mo
sweet, sweet anon · 2mo

AND OOMG, there's so many stuff about Dazai's past life!! Didn't know my baby bear was bullied at all
As for the money, I was gonna say why didn't he ask yosano for it, she would definitely give him everything, but what you said about transphobia and pain makes sense. I must say, I think I skipped the titles that said the year of the story, because I thought it was a modern one UNTIL NOW
bad, bad fan 😔

you're good!!! lol

dazai didn't like asking for money either- he'd ask for train fare to visit her but that's about it. he wasn't the type to like handouts

lol it's ok!! it takes place in 1998-99, so still fairly modern I think (I was born in the early 90s so maybe I'm just biased to thinking it wasn't that long ago) but thats why they only had house phones and such

sweet, sweet anon · 2mo

OH OH, and why the golden eye and not the brown one? Is it because brown is more common?

yep! the gold one stood out too much, plus he was blind in it anyway, so covering it up was a win-win for him

sweet, sweet anon · 2mo
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