Anonymous · 2y

Hey Eddie! I'm in love with your Spirit World AU, your art and your dedication to RPG Maker. I was just wondering if you're open to make new friends who have the same interests. I hope you're not feeling like something is weird about my ask, I have phrasing issues and it's usually hard for me to create a sentence without making it...weird, haha...

I hope you will get well soon, medical episodes are something that we can't avoid but we can defeat it. You are strong, I believe that you will be ok!

Thank you! I haven't been able to do much recently especially with my AU so it makes me happy to hear people still think about it,, I'm pretty awkward myself, but I'm usually open to making new friends ! And your phrasing wasn't weird! It would've been awkward if it was smt like "Can we be friends?" since it's something that's hard to predict without talking regularly. But yeah my DMs are open for stuffs like that !

Thank you,, I hope so

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