Arthur · 7 answers · 1mo

Is it normal for a LED light bulb to stay dimly lit for hours even after it was switched off? Or is it a problem with the light switch itself?

This might be why: "An LED bulb has a much higher resistance on the count of the integrated power supply unit compared to incandescent bulbs or halogen lamps. What actually happens is that the serial connection of the LED lamp clamps the circuit even after you turn the switch off. Which supplies a low voltage drop to appear across the LED driver, and causes the LED bulb to glow dimly." The reference says to try replacing the LED bulb or to make sure there isn't a problem with the wiring, as some others suggested here.

nah not normal, at least not for hours, seems to still be a charge in there - yeah either the switch or maybe it's in the wiring somewhere

That usually is a problem with the power supply brick and the type of electricity installed where you live. I have that here too. If you have a LED bulb with the supply electronics integrated into the housing you could try to turn the power plug by 180 degrees. That sometimes helps.

No, that's not normal, and I doubt it's even possible without the bulb receiving some amount of electricity - so it must be a problem with the switch.

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