Anonymous Coward · 8d

Hey I wanted to ask you what should I use as a beginner introduction to code and stuff like that I wanna learn but I'm not sure where I should begin

That's a tricky one, because it really depends on how you best learn. Personally I just kinda jumped in and flailed around poking at things until I built up enough of an understanding to do more target research and then just kinda followed the path that I found interesting. It was mostly a lot of reading, which I know is hard for some people and they prefer videos or some other way.

I guess a good point to start would be to figure out if there is any specific section you're interested in, it's okay if you don't know, if you're just starting out it's not expected that you know the sub-fields of sub-fields of sub-fields that exist, but try to find something you want to do.

The hard part is the finding useful materials, I would say reading documentation and reference manuals is good if you can stand it, and you might need to look but I bet there is a whole sea of decent videos on YouTube et. al. but without knowing more of what you're interested in it's hard to suggest anything solid, like, I'm unsure if you're looking into low-level with C++ or Rust, or something higher level with Python, or even HDLs or the like, but whatever it is, stay miles away from LLM bullshit, it's just objectively awful and harmful in more ways than one.

If you're looking for some really basic just intro to programming stuff, maybe look into the MIT Opencourseware intro classes:

Hope this helps!

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