A cute plushie · 19d

Are you the only one at work who cares? Do you ever feel like just giving up?

I think others do care: those I review have praised or thanked me before for letting them learn some things about pitfalls of our web framework or potential performance issues, and if I say something is going to fail, I am generally trusted. But most of the time people just don't have enough experience or in-depth knowledge of the app to easily tell when something is likely to go wrong while reviewing code, or in the case of management, they just blindly trust junior devs and absolutely admit doing that. And nobody tests things enough.

I think that's just one of many issues of modern software development unfortunately. I discovered yesterday that my phone crashes when getting a call from a private number, so I can't answer the calls, and it came from an assumption that the number is always a valid number and you can get a country calling code every time, because a developer didn't think about every case and it wasn't tested enough. So it's not just in here…

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