
ao3: @/miuxiao

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Anonymous Adeptus · 4mo
Anonymous Adeptus · 5mo

MORE TBAL ! ! ! ! okay sdlkfjslkdj hear me out, so i saw a comment abt this on your most recent chapter & just NEED to know- did they actually accidentally get married or something at the baby shower?? and aether just forgot because he was drunk?? i rly want to know what else happened that night 😭😭 also, ty for writing and good luck with the rest of the fic!!

Anonymous Adeptus · 5mo

godspeed with the writing, you have my upmost respect for getting an outline down (i have slowly been learning the hard lesson that yes, outlines will make my life 10x easier)

anyways tyty for writing, it was tbal that sent me down the xiaother rabbit hole in the first place and it’s been so fun seeing how the fic’s grown <333

Anonymous Adeptus · 5mo

Oh wow, this message really made my night thank you so so much!! It really means a lot to hear that you enjoy my fics so much and I'm happy and honored to have readers like you... I hope you will enjoy the future tbal chapters! Sending you love as well, thank you!! <3

(Also, your English is fantastic, no need to be insecure!)

Anonymous Adeptus · 5mo

what is ur writing process like? anything goes — i have such trouble writing multichap stuff ^^

Anonymous Adeptus · 5mo

good luck writing the rest of tbal!! i'm so excited!! real question: WHEN ARE THEY GONNA KISSSS

Thank you! Also, what a great question.... hm I wonder when.... not even I, the writer, seems to know.... maybe in the next chapter... or maybe in 5..... :) (I'm so sorry)

Anonymous Adeptus · 7mo

Sorry, I just wanna ask but did you delete your muse fic extra?? 😭😭 It's okay if you did I just can't find it on ao3 anymore and I wanted to make sure it wasn't a mistake

Anonymous Adeptus · 7mo

hihi!! F or G for the letter asks perhaps??

Anonymous Adeptus · 7mo

hiiii (for the letter asks), B?

Anonymous Adeptus · 9mo

I saw your last tweet about ships and a kiss but what ships are you comfortable with?

This is difficult because I’m very much a multi-shipper who likes a lot of ships lol so you are free to suggest anything, rarepairs as well, especially ships I’ve already written, and if I simply don’t feel like I can do it justice, then I’ll let you know!

Anonymous Adeptus · 9mo
Anonymous Adeptus · 12mo

As always, the update always cheers me up with the wholesome xiaoae and a-qing qqqqq if it's not too much to ask what happens if all of the archons have to care of a-qing for a day? Will chaos ensue?!

Anonymous Adeptus · 1y

A xiaoae prompt where Xiao has to take care of a baby aether for a day and vice versa

Ah, unfortunately this trope isn't my cup of tea... sorry! But thank you for sending in a prompt idea!

Anonymous Adeptus · 1y

Hi! Just for funsies - do you think Xiao was a shy rain drop or a mischievous rain drop when he was smol? Your occasional thoughts on him young are the most beautiful things I've read, just so you know. I wish this topic was more explored in funfiction.. Hope you are having a nice day (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚

Anonymous Adeptus · 1y

for xiaoae .. hmmm .. a fluff short about them reuniting after centuries as Aether joined the abyss with his sister >///<

Oooh that's interesting, I'm not sure why I've never really explored the idea of writing Abyss Aether but I do enjoy reading it. I have a feeling if I wrote this one-shot it would end up being full of angst instead ahah, but I hadn't considered writing Abyss Aether so thank you for the suggestion!

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