
vtb fan, mcmt brainrot, writes stuff

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Anon Clown · 10mo

what song do you think is super micomet-core? for me personally its soba ni ite by yuika when looking at their relationship generally

Anon Clown · 12mo

How do you get good at writing angst? I feel like I can never get it right. Plus it kills me inside when the angst is artificial, stemming from the characters being unrealistically dumb.
Your latest story is a mood. The trope of Sui-chan showing up unannounced at Miko's place, especially at night, should never die.

Anon Clown · 12mo

How do you find people who can proofread ur fics? well i guess aside from friends

you'd be surprised that most writers don't bite lol if they're cool and you think they have worthy input it doesn't hurt to at least try

Anon Clown · 1y

Suisei's got it rough but I didn't expect Miko to be so hard on herself either. Poor girl! They need to hurry up and make each other happy! Eagerly awaiting the day

the idea was for this to highlight migo's struggles here since they both have their emotional baggage, just that sui can only see what migo decides to show to her

tenkyuu for the feedback~

Anon Clown · 1y

You're on a roll! (No pun intended)
It pains me to see Sui's state though

ayyyyyyyyy ty for the read
sui is going through it pretty hard rn in the story but I too believe in her ability to pull her own weight

Anon Clown · 1y

Yo did you read My Demon Lord Can't Be This Cute by Fate19? I just missed it that AU a lot lol... Btw Im waiting for another great fanfic from you! Oh yeah you know, i always thought you are a "family friendly" writer... But nope lmao. (Can't complaint)

yep ive read it fate is my bud after all, ive got a work ive recently updated called lonely rollers so check it out if you want, as for family friendly.... well it was bound to happen LOL

Anon Clown · 1y

Subatowa is great, they’re a pair that is surprisingly close. Definitely check out the TOMOS raft collab translations by VtuberBits cause their bickering is hilarious

Anon Clown · 1y

What's it like writing smut with someone else?

...surprisingly fun HAHAHA cuz the both of us have been buds for a while so we're comfortable enough to bounce ideas and I still cant write it that well on my own ;7;

Anon Clown · 1y

MiComet saikou!!
Was Mikochi the killer all along?

Anon Clown · 1y

Do you take requests? One prompt that lives in my head: after miComet added each other on line, they stay up all night messaging each other in bed because they want to find out every detail of each other and bc the excitement and dokidoki keeps them up all night. What do they talk about? (Bonus comedy: it's hard to avoid being teased when they both show up dead tired to work the next day)

nah, I don't think my writing and motivation is reliable enough for requests lol but if you don't mind I'll consider this idea! very cute huehuehue

Anon Clown · 1y

Lonely rollers ch. 3? :)

Anon Clown · 1y

i have a question, when it comes to writing stories do you prefer writing the story as first perspective or third perspective? I'm curious whether which one would be a easier perspective to write

personally 3rd cuz it's more flexible for different narrative styles and most common for writing, 1st I use when I wanna write a story in creative/unconventional ways but it can be tricky to use well and won't work for all concepts

Anon Clown · 1y

Micomet saikou

Anon Clown · 1y

I didn't know you likes polka until i saw the hat in ur pfp

suuuper love poupou to bits she's one of my favs for JP (but the hat is there for a different reason-

Anon Clown · 1y

Hi odds! I've been reading ur fanfics ever since i found you under the mcmt tag, i wanted to ask where you get ur inspirations or motivations in writing also if you don't mind, what's a tip you can share for beginner writers when writing?

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