Anon-chan · 18d

Have you ever had a gf or gay experiences?

hehehe yeah xD

I came out to my mom and siblings as a lesbian in grade 7 bc I kept having crushes on my galfriends and they were all really boycrazy and people kept asking me who I had a crush on in hollywood and I never had crushes on famous male actors like they did >w< so I was confused and assumed I had to be all one way or another, so I told them I was gay bc I didn't know bi was an option. (it didn't go well and I ended up retracting it later out of fear of homelessness)

as for gf/gay experiences: yeah, my first sexual experience was with another girl, one of my best friends at the time. my first kiss was with a girl, and I've always been drawn to women more, though I have experienced attraction to mascs/enbys, I definitely seem to gravitate toward the feminine in general. There was much of my young adult life where I was ashamed of these feelings so I kept them mostly to myself. I had secret girlfriends in middle and high school, but in college I played like I was 100% straight and dated mostly men.

Ultimately, I ended up marrying a man, but we both have complicated relationships with gender norms and we're both bi, so we have this in common >w< but my adolescence was almost entirely gay experiences >w<

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