Find Mutuals & Spread Love ♡ · 13 answers · 14d

QOTD — If you were a video game character ... What's your powers, weapons, & appearance? Be specific as possible & have fun!
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this is my kind of question!!!.

so, my powers would probably be body manipulation , telekinesis with a strong nightvision。I would have gloves that with a press of a button on a bracelet id have on, i can latch onto anything i want to, for my outfit id have on would be something like this, my hair would be a wolfcut-mullet like, with some shag and it would be brown, my weapon would defiantly be a pistol ( a basic Glock 19 Gen 5. ) and different kinds of knives ( butterfly knives and switchblades because i can wield those easiest ) sorry im a nerd

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