˚ ᷂ ⠀⠀ 𓏲 ⠀ ⠀Aera。 ⠀⠀𓂃 · 25 answers · 16d

˚⠀ 𓏲𝄢⠀ Question
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Of The Day.ᐟ⠀ 𓂃⠀
❝What's Something You'd
⠀ Tell To Your Younger Self.ᐣ❞

"It never gets better and there is no salvation, you'd save a lot of energy and have more peace if you just give up now."

I know it's scary, but... Just go tell Dad about how you feel, that he actually has another daughter, please~

Be more adventurous while you still have the Heart to. Skip a class or two. Participate in senior ditch day. Talk to people. Go shopping.

things will suck sometimes. you will love and you will be loved and there will be loss that comes with that, but trust in yourself and stay strong.. there are brighter days ahead. don’t do yourself the disservice of missing out on them!!

⠀*⠀ Perhaps to Embrace who I am a lot More, As I don't think I've ever been able to do that⸺Whether long ago or recently ⠀…⠀ It will forever be a problem I have with Myself.

your feelings about wanting to wear women's clothing isn't that odd... you are actually just a transgender woman, and you are valid.

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