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Someone · 8d

I kept seeing your art for RanFren characters and decided to check it out, and then got so enamored with every single character that I read all of it over the course of like, 6 hours, so thanks for introducing me to my new favorite webcomic!

Someone · 13d

where can i find out more about kiwi!?!?!? :D

Someone · 13d

Would pussy having Lennon use a strap with Kiwi?

Yes. At first he just uses his hands, and sometimes penetrates her with his clit, as it's hard and long enough. But as they get closer to each other, he gets to use her dildo collection on her. Dick-having Lennon also uses the straps with her! He cums really quick and gets overstimulated fast, so he likes using the strap, she goes crazy on it. He likes being able to fuck her for longer, better, and it's easier than w/ his regular dick/clit. In return Kiwi uses the strap on him too... love a switchy relationship

Someone · 13d


Someone · 13d

did you make the bi flag upside down on lennon's ref sheet on purpose? 😅

Someone · 17d

what food does lennon like :3

Someone · 18d

mister backdoor9 i adore you ive been following you since the horrors that were nsfwmcyttwt

Someone · 18d

does lennon have a favorite color?

Someone · 20d

I think rpf is weird/creepy so I'm glad you don't make it anymore

Someone · 22d

How would Lennon feel if Kiwi called him by his first name? Also if he ever did realize his dysphoria (and transition) would he like having Nina as his name then? (I've been thinking soo much about him since the big answer post about him)

He would feel weird about Kiwi calling him his first name. I think he's got too much bullying trauma twisted up with the name Nina to ever be comfortable reclaiming it. If he ever transitioned he'd probably start going by Lena, this being a femme twist on Lenny, Kiwi's nickname for him.

Someone · 21d

what would lennon's opinion on vriska be

Someone · 21d

if you had to cut off one of the brother's arms and legs at the knees/elbows respectively which one and why

I assume you mean my twins. It'd have to be Willa. Wojtech kind of needs his limbs or else he's completely useless to his father. Willa having his limbs halved would certainly increase Wojtech's caretaking workload in an interesting way.

Someone · 22d

Do you still draw nsfw mcyt? Plz draw skephalo 🙏

Someone · 22d

Girly thoughts anon again: I wanna take Lennon’s balls because it would probably destroy his mental health given his incel rhetoric and how he must view “low-T betas” but what would be REALLY fun is getting him to accept it and thrive as a harmless pet 🥺👉👈

It would send him into a tailspin because of his incel shit and also partially because having any of his junk cut off would make him feel a conflicted tickle of positive gender feelings for the first time ever in his miserable life and oh boy that would scare him. You cut his nuts off and accidentally awaken his severely repressed dysphoria lol. After a while of being castrated he’d come around.. he’d chill the fuck out… have some #genderthoughts… prob not be so angry… you could keep him in a cage

Someone · 22d

Lennon makes me have romantic girly thoughts 💖 (I wanna force him to impregnate me, lock him in my basement, castrate him, amputate his hands and feet, remove his tongue, make him pee outside in public, and make him leak by forcibly milking his prostate when he’s a good pet)

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