☆⠀﹔Crybabies⠀♪ · 10mo

don't know why you're saying "question mark" when you're obsessed with making servers to shit talk people and shit talk your friends behind their backs 😬 also you seem to love spreading lies about people who have done nothing? get a life

" obsessed with making servers to shit talk people and shit talk your friends behind their backs " IM IN ONLY 1 SERVER THATS PRIVATE && THAT SERVER HAS LIKE ALL OF MY FRIENDS ? everybody shit talks in general && im obviously gonna shit talk about weirdos , i dont knyow what yu expect 😭 && IVE NEVER SHIT TALKED MY FRIENDS TO ANYONE . . ? dont say shit about a situation yu were never part of because its clear yu dont knyow literally anythinggggg good lord

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