Fixed reimob guy
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Well-seasoned Anon · 13d

Hiii!!!! Saw your tweet about prompt reqs. Can I request first time reigen cooks a home made meal for mob ???

Well-seasoned Anon · 13d

for the prompt ask: 2814 Reigen rimming Mob for the first time 🙏

Well-seasoned Anon · 10d

This is the same person about going to your profile like a damn dog, but like seriously, I get embarrassed liking and retweeting your tweets so fast(especially after few minutes) because how obsessed I can be to your wonderful work 😔

Oh geez, thank you! I appreciate it♡ I usually leave after I tweet and have all popup notifications off, so no need to be embarrassed! I tweet for others to like the ideas in my head too😊

Well-seasoned Anon · 10d

You said you need validation of your work, if it makes you feel better. Everytime I see the icon of your profile pic showing new update on twitter I go d
so fucking fast to check your account to see what new Reimob content you have posted like a damn dog 😭 I'm literally an a slave to your post

🥺🥺🥺🥺 Thank you...I'm happy my silly tweets are fun to read! Any reimob the folks like makes me feel like I got a good grade in tweeting, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve,
I'm proud you like my brainworms so much!💕

Rune · 13d

You made it hard trying to not be a furry around these parts lately so ... maybe a mating bite something, first time marking/claiming? Though, animal features to whatever degree you like, or no animal features a/b/o.

Alternatively, Mob using Reigen's work laptop to look up something for homework & accidentally stumbling across a folder/website/anything of your choice that wasn't for his viewing for one reason or another & whatever comes from that~

Well-seasoned Anon · 13d

Do you have a dni list?

Not really...? Mostly I (soft)block or ignore people if they try to follow/interract and I don't want them to, or block if I bump into them somehow and they're the type that would not want to see my tweets or I wouldn't want around, reasons varying.

Well-seasoned Anon · 1mo

When will we see some of your art?

Ah, well, I'd love to show something old I still like! But unfortunately I feel like can't at least right now. I'd be ashamed to show my stuff lol.

It's rare I manage to make things nowadays anyhow, writing OR drawing. Consider it an unexpanded upon piece of lore m(´_ _`)m💙

Well-seasoned Anon · 1mo

I dreamed you deleted all your accs without warning last night, truly a nightmare

Nooo ;_; I swear that won't happen! Even if there came a time I felt it best to leave for good, I'm always worried when folks disappear without any word about it, so I'd definitely give a notice well beforehand!

Please rest assured that I'll 100% warn folks if that sort of time comes!

Well-seasoned Anon · 1mo

Who/what inspired you to start writing?

Well-seasoned Anon · 1mo

What is your favorite food? And what is your most hated food?

My old schools used to have really banging tuna pasta that comes to mind. I'm bad with spice but I like spicy food that's around my limit. And I love vanilla pudding and cheesecake!

I'm very picky, a texture eater, and I have a lot of allergies! I generally can't eat greens and vegetables or fruit unless they're cooked, soft, and with other food. I'd never get a salad down.
I think my most hated are the crunchy watery types (cucumbers, watermelons). I really hate that "water but just slightly flavored" -taste.

Well-seasoned Anon · 1mo

Do you play any videogames?

Not actively! I play one mobile game but that's that. There's phases where I play daily, but mostly not at all. (I've still not tried Fallout 3 or New Vegas despite owning them for years, RIP)

PS2 is my babygirl. My everything. My beloved

Laptop's too old for most things. Big Sims fan though. Love Sims 2, Sims 3's cool, but I have to keep a fan on by my laptop so it doesn't overheat and shut down.

Well-seasoned Anon · 1mo

What colour do you picture when you think of your own fanworks' vibe? mysteriously vague answers supported and encouraged

You sly Anon, you~
I feel like my writing is blue. "Ens" feels blue. Specifically those cooler night shades. As is the curse, I've become my Twitter icon.

Drawings are...yellow, maybe? A soft yellow, pastels or something.

Well-seasoned Anon · 1mo

What is your favorite fanfic that you had read? (doesn't have to be mobsai fandom)

Well-seasoned Anon · 2mo

What made you enjoy ReiMob dynamic over MobRei?

Usually I have a hunch of "so they're this?" when I see a shippable thing. Once I observe their dynamic in series, at some point the switch clunks to "oh yeah they're this!!" and it doesn't budge from there :^D

There's some other factors – How I see their dynamic as lovers, preferring them canon-age and sweet (a lot of the mobrei I've seen is aged up and dark undertones), loving Mob topped by anyone, squicked by Reigen bottoming for anyone, etc. Do I like reimob because of my biases or do I have the biases because of reimob?🤔

Well-seasoned Anon · 2mo

I really enjoy your fanfics and all the tweets you put out 🩷🩷🩷🩷 you are such a blessing to this earth

Thank you so much!😚💙 I'm just indulging, but knowing others have fun with that makes me really happy. I'll try to keep them enjoyable!♡

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