Art · 2mo

reply from last question;

thanks for clarifying!!
yes this really did make things clearer, I forgot to include the descendants (aka Ibuki's grandparents) because I briefly remember that they were in hiding (?) 🤔

not much questions, but if I understood correctly (go in now back since SS) the general timeline for the Okinawa area and the Oni group would be:

SS: Ryuseitai's (Kanata) first encounter with the Hoshima believers
Supervillains: Tetora was assigned as a spy by Eichi and tasked to carry out the mission. Ryuseitai defeats CrimPro
Stella Maris: Kanata was tasked to revive (?)/revitalize the tourism in Hoshima (meaning this should be their 3rd visit to Okinawa) under Mizubasa's guidance
Ibuki Idol stories: Ibuki or "boss" coming back to Japan due to NiceP's invitation and meets Tetora where he grows interests in him

hopefully this is correct?! I've read Stella Maris and Supervillains just to be sure, and it looks like the place that Hoshima and the area where CrimPro took place is different but they're also involved with the Oni Group

That raises the question if the Oni Group has any relation to the Shinkai family other than the Hoshima Island being ancestors/related to the Shinkai family

thanks for the fruitful insight, this was a nice topic to touch upon! Genuinely want people to understand more abt the Okinawa area/Oni group bc ppl are growing interests in Ibuki lately and it all connects back to Supervillains 💦

(will compile all of this in a more concise post soon!!)

the ones in hiding (or rather just don't interact with the public much) are the people of hoshijima, the oni family is well-known around okinawa! even have a restaurant that mizusaba is cook for (and their grandpa used to work in until he strained his back)

the series of events you wrote about the event stories is correct yeah!! hoshijima is a small island near the okinawa main island, so yes supervillain happened in okinawa main island, whereas stella maris went back and forth between the small island hoshijima and the main island.

hoshijima people have connections with the okinawan/oni family (but not necessarily the vigilante group...?), as they act as the mediators and the ones who send them supplies. it used to be the grandpa who'd send supplies, then became mizusaba! mizusaba mentioned that he's not a worshipper or anything, so i think they might not have anything to do with the religion per se...? hmm

yeah i'd like to make an easier way to understand all this information as it's a lot and scattered everywhere between the event stories, so thank you for asking 😭🙏

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