dw · 9 answers · 2mo

what kind of moves that make you lose feelings for your partner?

hmmMMM when they being disrespectful, or just went missing without an explanation... its tiring tbh :/

when he couldn't respect my boundaries, making fun of my insecurities, being disrespectful to other, prioritizes his friends over me, saying things like "aku jelek ga kaya kamu..." or smth... those are disgusting af

me after figureing out he used me as a distraction to get over his ex, nonchalant and giving a dry response to something i was excited to tell him

make fun of me in public, ngomongnya kasar, ignorant/cold, didn’t pay attention when i’m talking, bodyshame org or ngejelekin org physically, ga sopan, take things too lightly or tooooo serious

when they never listen to me clearly and underestimate scrubby things that i told/ask

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