Kate Matsuda · 9 answers · 4mo

What are your markers of success? How well you slept at night? How easily to be brought to laugh? How good to bear shitty humans? None of these? Why?

Dunno, I just look to what I enjoy.

Sometimes good, other times I don't even sleep.

A laugh from deep inside, rarely. I chuckle quite a lot.

I'm alright at it unless they're violent, then I'd rather not deal with it.

I do what I enjoy because I spent too long not enjoying life.
On the nights I don't sleep I end up journaling, using tarot cards in my own way such as drawing in energy and casting it out, listening to music, singing to whatever songs, meditating, doing my own odd things.
I don't find many things that funny.
Because I see why people can end up deep in toxicity, I was once there, doesn't mean I'll lower myself for it, I want to live and enjoy life.

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