Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more
Long winded but much shortened version.
What's your opinion on people that are on the aromantic and/or asexual spectrum?
Sitting here on the cold floor and ready to smash this computer. This server is breaking my nerves! Since the stone ages no other tool has had the power to make me get into a rage like that! I swear!
Do you know what Gin-Gin-Mule is? It is a cocktail. Vodka, ginger ale, ginger juice, brown sugar, mint leafs. But what it has to do with a mule? Idk.
Do you usally open the door when someone rings the doorbell?
🍓 Can you recommend a song you enjoy listening to as of lately? (I'm trying to listen to music once again -3 years ago my dad died and it's been tough to)
I've enjoyed listening to this song not too long ago.
Your friend ghosted you for over a year and suddenly you get a text from them what do you do?
The 80/20 principle. Relationships: 80% giving, 20% receiving. - Does it mean I must shove 60% giving down my friends throat and vice versa?
Well, my method would be check in on them, ask if it's okay to chat without them responding, because I don't like to spam messages without response but if they aren't well, mentally, emotionally or physically I would want to check if they're doing okay. Remembering if they have mental health issues about stuff, talked about suicidal thoughts in the past, I'd rather not risk it.
president Joe Biden just dropped out the presidential race, your thoughts?
Do you like fish as food? Or scallops, octopus and the like?
Do you do online-dating? How much does it cost?
I've just heard of them but haven't looked into them. For me spiritual stuff is just, if it effects me positively then it's good. Could be a psychological thing but I can feel it energy-wise, dunno if that makes sense. But my mind is muddy, so it can be difficult to determine what's reality and what isn't. I just know, if it impacts my capability to live life in a negative way, it's not good to me.
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