Chris CM. Martinez · 7 answers · 3y

Feminist argument #2 most wealthy ppl are men. Proving the patriarchy. Most ppl in jail are men, most homeless ppl are men, suicides are nearly all men, victims of violent crimes are men. When do we start "dominating"? 😁

LOL at feminists getting offended by you pointing out that men also have struggles. Modern feminists are crazy, delusional, man-haters/misandrists who have victim mentalities and play the oppression olympics. They don't want equality otherwise, they'd be egalitarians. They hate men and want supremacy over them but always want to cry victim no matter what. They think the world revolves around them. Look at the retarded comment by ZooShit, as I'll call her. She can't make a real response and doesn't even want to try. Instead, she results to petty insults because that's all her pathetic, little brain is capable of. She's probably going to see this and waste her time posting bullshit that I won't waste my time reading because I live in her empty head rent free. I go back and forth between thinking it's amusing and thinking it pathetic.

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